10 Safety Rules Your Child Should Learn

Teach your kids safety rules so they know what to do if they run into a sticky situation.
10 Safety Rules Your Child Should Learn

From the moment the child is born, the parents’ main concern is to offer the greatest possible support. Especially when it comes to personal, physical and emotional safety. This is normal. It’s something that, by instinct, parents tend to feel about their children.

What really matters is warning parents not to end up overprotecting their children. For, considering the fact that the children will grow up, we understand that separation from their parents is inevitable.

However, while this time has not come, it is essential to teach children the safety rules, which they should know from an early age.

10 Safety Rules Your Child Should Learn

1.- It is extremely important to teach your child that he should not open the door at home when someone rings the doorbell. Much less when you’re alone at home. The same standard holds for the phone. It’s best not to answer unless you have caller ID at home.

2.- You should teach your child to ask for help in case of need, especially if he is being bullied. This is a situation that happens earlier and earlier with children, especially when it comes to a child with some fears.

When alone, they make perfect targets for the abuser . It is important to let the child know that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but of intelligence. Avoiding mockery and thus avoiding harassment is something we must never hide.

safety rules

3.- Your child must be taught that only he can touch his own body and that, under no circumstances, should strangers be allowed to do so. Hugs, kisses or caresses are exchanges of affection carried out by people the child already knows and likes.

In the same way, you need to teach your child that some parts of the body should not be touched even by people you trust. And if anything like that happens, he must immediately tell his parents.

4.- Another safety policy that your child should learn is to know the parents’ home address and cell phone number. You also need to teach the emergency number for the country you live in.

In addition, it is good for the child to know that if he ever gets lost in a public place, he should not leave where he is and should ask older people for help.

5.- Teach your child to cross the street correctly. Always respecting the pedestrian crossings and waiting for the traffic lights, when there is one. Also, it is important to look both sides of the street before crossing.

6.- It is extremely important to teach your child the difference between good and bad .  It must be taught that he should never keep secrets that make him feel uncomfortable, that scare him or that generate worries.

To do this, it’s critical to offer your child the opportunity to communicate comprehensively and openly, without making him feel bad about something that has happened.

7.- When starting to use the Internet, it is extremely important to show the child that they cannot give out personal information, such as their home address, let alone talk to strangers.

8.- You should also teach your child that he should never accept the request to go somewhere with people he doesn’t know. Even if these people claim they are friends with their parents.

Hence the importance of parents, or grandparents, for example, always picking up the child at the agreed place. The child should also be taught that he should wait if the picker happens to be late.

9.- A form of defense that needs to be taught to children is that they have to learn to say “enough” or “leave me alone” when something bothers them . She must learn to deny with a firm and determined voice when something is not to her liking.

safety rules

10.- Children must learn to play safely. Therefore, it is necessary to teach not to put small objects in the mouth or play with objects that have wires. Likewise, they should never feel pressured by other children to take on responsibilities in a game they don’t want to be a part of.

In addition to safety rules, it is important that the child learns to finish everything he starts. At the same time, encourage the child to act on their own internal reactions. And not for anything to do with the feeling of approval. 

This way, you will get your child to learn to move around on their own and without other people’s influences. Even without caring what they say or think about him.

All these established safety standards must be made very clear and their consequences explained. For that, you must lead by example. Advise and be consistent with what you say to your child.

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