22nd Week Of Pregnancy

It is common in the twenty-second week to gain around six kilos.
22nd week of pregnancy

By week 22, the growth of the uterus causes it to extend beyond the navel. It is normal for a weight gain of about five kilos to occur. The baby  already  reaches a size of about eight inches from head to toe and weighs around three hundred and fifty grams. From that moment on, your brain will grow about ninety grams a month.

Changes in the fetus: emotions arise

Physically, at this stage of pregnancy the eyelids and eyebrows are formed, only the eyelashes are missing. The eyelids are still glued together, so the baby cannot open his eyes yet. The shape of the lips is already well defined and the teeth begin to form inside the gums.

In addition, all bones in the fetus now contain bone marrow. Your skin stores thin layers of fat inside, essential for the complete development of the nervous system. As this fat is stored, it becomes translucent and the veins become less visible.

Starting this week, the

limbic system

of the baby is in full development. This system is responsible for controlling feelings and emotions, which will allow the little one to undergo changes in their emotional state. In the next few years, the baby will be able to laugh, cry, and even get upset in the womb. week 22 ultra

Changes in the mother

By the 22nd week of pregnancy, fatigue will be much more evident. Breathing becomes deeper and heart rate accelerates. In addition, back pain is very common at this stage. Stretch marks may start to appear, especially in the areas of the abdomen, muscles, hips and breasts.

The ankles and wrists can become swollen, especially late in the day, as the uterus lightly compresses the veins. This can cause a feeling of heaviness in the legs and even a tingling sensation in the feet and hands. O

weight gain

for weeks it will keep happening.

Besides noticing discomfort in the pubis and abdomen, it is also common to feel that the belly becomes hard. This is because the uterus contracts and relaxes sporadically throughout the day. These contractions, called

Braxton-Hicks contractions

, help prepare the uterus and pelvis for future birth.

Mentally, it is possible that the mother is often confused. This is known as “pregnant brain” or Pregnancy Brain , in English. Furthermore, this loss of concentration is due to hormonal changes. And the vital changes she’s going through can “capture” all the attention.

Advice and care in the 22nd week of pregnancy

This week, the biggest discomfort will be caused by the inflammation of the legs and feet, usually at the end of the day. You can ease swelling by stimulating venous circulation. To do this, straighten your legs while sitting, making small circular motions with your feet.

At least once every hour, get up and stretch. Placing your feet and hands in cold water with coarse salt will help to combat the feeling of heaviness in the extremities. Also, to facilitate blood circulation,


at least an hour a day with quick steps. At bedtime, place a pillow under your feet, this way it will facilitate venous circulation and you will rest better. doctor examining pregnant woman

Pregnancy control: the heartbeat

From the 22nd week of pregnancy, it is possible to hear the fetal heartbeat without the need to use the


. This procedure can be done at home using a stethoscope, although it is not always possible because of the baby’s movements and positions. In any case, the best sign that the fetus is viable is to feel it move.

It is important to have a urine and blood test at least once every trimester. In addition, during prenatal consultations, the belly will be measured to see if it is of normal and healthy size at the time.

Also, it is good to remember that bellies come in different sizes and shapes, even if they are in the same week of pregnancy. Therefore, when they are measured, there is a margin of two centimeters above or below the established measurement. By the 22nd week of pregnancy, a healthy belly will measure between eight and four inches.

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