3 Short Films To Convey Values ​​

Each children’s film conveys a message that can be a source of reflection. Cinema in particular can build the adults of the future.

To complement your children’s education, you can propose reading books, watching plays and watching movies or short films to convey values, as they are excellent tools to make your children reflect on the importance of acquiring good values ​​while having fun.

This type of activity presents concepts that parents have as their main mission to transmit to their children. Among others, they include values ​​such as respect and compassion for other people, brotherhood, friendship or tolerance. Values that will help children to develop moral conscience.

Cinema is a mirror of life and can contribute to children’s learning. For this reason, we have prepared a selection of 3 short films to convey values that are ideal for watching as a family and will bring various messages to everyone.

3 short films to convey values

1.- Piper

It is a beautiful 6-minute short film that is a real pleasure for children’s eyes.

The story shows a little bird that lives comfortably in its nest. But it’s time to leave the nest and venture out in search of your own food.

It is his mother who drives him to live this experience and who accompanies him to the edge of the sea. But Piper is startled by the waves and is discouraged. With the help of his parents and his new friend, a little crab, he will face and overcome his fear of water.

This story teaches children the positive values ​​of effort and self-improvement. It’s a life lesson: you need to get out of your comfort zone to learn, go beyond your own limits and not be afraid of making mistakes, as it’s the way to find the right path.

2.- Learning to learn

The second suggestion is a beautiful seven-minute story that shows a master teaching his apprentice to work clay. The two characters have a beautiful relationship and the boy, in particular, greatly admires his master for his ability to produce beautiful pieces of clay.

The boy will discover that thanks to his patience and work, he will be able to make pieces as beautiful as those of his master.

More specifically, this short film intends to show that with dedication, effort, patience and perseverance we can succeed and reach all the goals we set ourselves in life.

Without forgetting that thanks to the important role of the master, who acts as a guide, the little potter is able to develop step by step. Moral: goals sometimes don’t seem easy for our children, but we must help and motivate the little ones to reach them.

3.- The biggest flower in the world

This last short film we present was inspired by a short story written by José Saramago, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature. It leads us to reflect deeply on solidarity and human relationships in a world fragmented by selfishness and individualism.

The short is also ideal for those people who seem to forget the value of simple things and respect for the environment.

The story shows a boy who sees his father cut a tree in the field to use as a table decoration in his backyard. Then the child, like the father, goes into the forest to cut down another tree and finds a beetle. The little one picks up the insect and puts it in a box.

The scarab manages to escape and the boy, in order to catch him again, jumps over the backyard wall and follows him. His curiosity takes him on a long journey in which he will discover a small flower, dry and on the brink of death after losing the shade provided by the small tree his father had cut down.

Perhaps as a joke or out of simple kindness, the boy decides to help the flower dry. To save her, he goes to fetch water.

Definitely, short films to convey values ​​are a great way to make children have contact with good attitudes. We recommend that you watch these 3 shorts with your kids and spend a great afternoon on the sofa all together!

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