4 Negative Effects Of Technology On Childhood

Find out what are the negative effects of technology on childhood before you decide if you want your children to be in frequent contact with it. Prevention and control are two great allies to avoid problems.
4 negative effects of technology on childhood

The screens of electronic devices are part of everyday life for children and teenagers today. Today, more than ever before, parents must be concerned about the negative effects of technology on childhood.

Although it is possible to obtain benefits from the use of these devices, it is necessary to be careful and provide frequent follow-up.

Likewise, it is essential to cultivate healthy habits in the family regarding the use of technology. When an adult becomes dependent on the cell phone or the computer, it is difficult for the children not to become too.

In order to avoid complications in children’s development, it is very important that there be moderation and wisdom. Put the following recommendations into practice:

What are the negative effects of technology?

1.- Increase in bullying

The internet has become one of the most used means by those who practice bullying. Children can suffer, in this technological environment, serious psychological abuse that will affect them in many dimensions.

Those who intimidate children using the internet do so anonymously and it is difficult to fight what is published on the web.

2.- Lack of privacy

When children and teenagers have access to social media, they give up much of the privacy they have. On the internet, all profiles are visible and accessible, even for unscrupulous people. Children are perhaps the people most susceptible to danger on some web pages.

In this aspect, technology ends up making it easier for children to expose themselves from an early age. Of course, the risks are even greater when they are not supervised by an adult.

3.- Deconstruction of social bonds

Earlier generations had the adventure of playing outdoors and interacting with other kids on the go. Emotional bonds were built from common interests and shared time.

Nowadays, it is much more frequent that relationships are established through electronic devices. Little by little, the importance of personal contact loses value.

4.- Loss of reality awareness

When there is no emotionally and physically safe environment, many children “flee” to the web. Just by having access to the internet connection, they can imagine the life they would most like to have and become oblivious to reality.

The most shy and insecure child who has no friends at school can open their social profile and have thousands of contacts. Technology is a medium with many people of different ages within which they can hide from who they really are.

negative effects of technology


  • As children’s brain development is not yet complete, it can deteriorate due to excessive exposure to technology. This is one of the most dangerous negative effects of technology on children’s health in the future.
  • Too much time in front of television affects language and creativity development. Watching television is an activity that does not require a response from the child and does not stimulate the imagination. It also negatively influences the development of a taste for reading and creates the “need” to consume more and more.
  • Many children of recent generations don’t know how to have fun without an electronic device. Many children stop playing outdoors or using their toys because they don’t feel interested. This makes them have few hobbies and interests outside of technology.
  • Children who spend a lot of time playing video games or watching television are more likely to develop obesity. Other consequences associated with sedentary lifestyle are sleep problems and digestive disorders.

Through technological elements it is possible to develop some of the children’s skills. At the same time, they can have access to information and interactive materials that contribute to development.

However, the inappropriate use of this tool has undesirable consequences. Set limits and encourage your children to enjoy life without relying on a cell phone, tablet, television or computer to avoid the negative effects of technology.

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