5 Key Points To Maintaining A Happy Marriage my

5 Key Points to Maintaining a Happy Marriage

Having a happy marriage has nothing to do with luck or fate.  Contrary to what we are used to or want to believe, marriage is built on a daily basis. It is the small details that maintain and improve the relationship.

In I’m Mommy , we’ve listed the 5 key points to maintaining a happy marriage. Make a note and apply them with your partner.

1.- Understand that true love goes beyond chemistry and passion

One of the biggest mistakes people make, especially younger couples, is confusing passion with true love. Passion is powerful chemistry. True love begins when the newness disappears and familiarity is established.

happy marriage

Some couples are confused in this process, mistakenly believing they have chosen the wrong partner. Those who are happily married know that this process is common in all relationships. Each one knows very clearly, at this point, that they have mutually chosen each other to spend the rest of their lives together, despite the circumstances that may come their way.

2.- If you want a happy marriage always offer kind answers

Do you feel that your marriage is meaningless? The difference between a bad marriage and a happy one is that in the second there is kindness. Things as simple as:

  • Kind phrases: “Good morning”, “Thank you”, “I missed you”, “Please”.
  • Actions that demonstrate kindness: Prepare breakfast, say thanks for the time together, dedicate an afternoon to your partner.

    These are really very simple words and actions, aren’t they? Regrettably, they are constantly forgotten and some couples just drop them over time. Keep your marriage from being unhappy by always remembering that the other person is one of your priorities.

    It’s important that you learn to spend time together and don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by the pressures of work, home, kids, and the bills to pay. Remember that the little things in life make for great moments.

    3.- Try to say “I care about you” when talking

    Do you show concern for your partner when you communicate with him? Maybe you haven’t even considered the idea and that would be a big mistake. Good communication shows that you are really listening and that conveys respect.

    When your partner is saying something, pay attention freely and spontaneously. Show interest in what the other person is saying because it matters to them as much as it matters to you.

    Obviously, it is not wrong to question what is heard in order to clarify doubts. In fact, this exchange of ideas is what reflects a constructive dialogue. Good communication helps turn a relationship into a happy marriage.

    4.- Let your marriage mature

    Maturity requires patience and helps build a happy marriage. We, due to our selfish nature as human beings, often seek immediate self-fulfillment. Patience builds a perfect work when we incorporate it into our lives.

    When arguing with their partner, the couple starts to lose control and patience is the last thing that comes to mind. Sadly,  some people don’t mature and simply believe they’re going to be in love forever. When reality arrives, they quickly fall apart.

    5.- Strive to renew your marriage

    It is not uncommon to see couples going through difficult situations, even thinking that divorce is the last way out. However when they resort to couples therapy, everything seems to have been resolved. Looking at the relationship from the outside, it might seem like it was all just a spell, a magic.

    happy marriage

    However, you must know that this is not the case. Having a happy marriage depends on learning to renew yourself, finding new things that inspire and motivate us to stay together.  Creating little personal and unique rituals is just one way to renew your marriage.

    Think together about what you can do. The options are very varied:

    • Going out on weekends to go to the movies
    • Set aside Thursday night to disconnect from the world and dine alone
    • Go to the gym together at the same time
    • Set a goal and work to achieve it

    Problems are present in any happy marriage, what makes the difference is knowing how to deal with them. This will dictate the success or failure of a union.

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