5 Tips To Keep Your Fears From Infecting Your Child

Feeling fear is a normal situation for human beings, as it is a feeling that alerts us to any threat. This is natural, even in the children of the house, because they are unaware of many things that surround them, but little by little they overcome these fears. The problem appears when we parents are the cause of these fears that are perpetuated over time.

Although we may not be able to realize this early, many times, we  parents take it upon themselves to convey this belief system about new family members, which includes thousands of irregularities. If we don’t address this issue intelligently to avoid it, these weaknesses will follow us in the future.

To prevent your fears from infecting your children, you must first acknowledge them

Children are like sponges that absorb all kinds of information, but they don’t have the ability to distinguish good from bad. For this reason, we  adults are the main source of learning and knowledge, that is, we represent for them a reference on how they should act in life.

Surely, you’ve heard them say that they want to be like you or like daddy when they grow up… this phrase reveals the most pure childhood truth: daddy and mommy are the example to be followed. In this sense, it is essential that we get to know our inner self, and that we discover what fears we would not like to convey to them.

Don’t be distressed if you don’t know how to stop this process. All of this is a process that we must understand and, in addition, you can follow the advice we will give below to achieve this goal.

Don’t let your fears contaminate your children

Every person defines himself according to the creation he has received, and the circumstances he has experienced over the years. However, once we already have these beautiful children in our arms, we must be very careful not to influence them with these negative experiences we have already had.

Each will write their own story, with ups and downs. This is not an indisputable fact, but if as parents we introduce into their heads a series of prejudices that they have not yet been able to discover, we will be facing a being with high probability of being submissive, isolated, vulnerable and unmotivated in relation to the environment in which they are.

The upbringing we receive from our parents influences the way we raise our children

Probably, in your childhood you fell out of a tree and didn’t have the courage to climb it again out of fear, or your parents prevented you from going out with the rest of the children because they didn’t want anything bad to happen to you… you do you want your child to live with these shadows, just because you experienced these situations? Of course not.

5 tips so your fears don’t contaminate your kids

Keeping in mind this theme, we bring you a list of five simple solutions so that you know how to prevent the kings of the house from being contaminated by these frustrations that you carry in your heart.

  • Consider the dimension and assess the fears that reside in your heart: with this information, try to recognize how you convey these fears to them.
  • Try talking about those things that scare you and face them: it’s not just about talking about them, it’s about showing them an effective way to deal with them.
  • Don’t exaggerate these fears: no one knows what might actually worry you, but be careful when you talk about it so they don’t think it’s anything different from what it really is.
  • If you find yourself feeling scared, consider that feeling and reflect on different solutions.
  • Don’t be fooled by your worries, or make room for yourself to feel bad about what you’re afraid of.

Overprotection, the best friend of fears

Nobody wants the children who make our existence so happy to go through difficult or dangerous situations that lead to a possible risk. As responsible for their integrity, we have to guide them so that they know how to always take care of themselves and to recognize the real danger.

Sometimes we run our hands over their heads during these difficult times and don’t realize that we’re overprotecting them. This wrong attitude causes children to begin to build up fear within themselves, and it becomes difficult to overcome these emotions.

Taking care of your children doesn’t mean imposing thousands of limits so that they don’t leave a bubble, quite the contrary; it is to invite them to face the world so that they know how to discern what not to do. This is not an easy task, but with love we will be able to make them free and happy.

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