5 Truths About Formula Feeding

Feeding the newborn should have no major complications. It is understood that breast milk is the exclusive food during the baby’s first six months. However, this is not something you can do all the time. Many women choose not to breastfeed their babies, and others simply cannot.

Furthermore, not all babies are the same and births are not the same. Therefore,  sometimes milk formula feeding becomes the first option. However, this is something that causes controversy, fear, and even guilt.

We know that breast milk is unique and irreplaceable, but is formula feeding so bad? What should we know before making this decision? Is there any truth among so many myths on this subject?


Key myths and truths about the formula

Formula feeding has different aspects to consider. First there is the moral issue, which is an irreplaceable bond between mother and child. Many claim that we don’t love him because we don’t breastfeed him. Then comes the concern for the food we fail to give it, its properties, everything that is lost. Later, we will have to consider whether the


from the bottle will harm you or if the formula is dangerous.

In short, it is a subject flooded with considerations from different aspects. However, it is important to bear in mind


that in some way or another, the child must feed. Although pediatricians are in agreement, they will always choose to have children eat.

During the first hours of birth, the baby needs to receive the necessary energy to avoid complications. For this reason, sometimes this should be fed with formula when the hand cannot breastfeed it. Whatever the case, we cannot totally rule out the idea of ​​using this type of food. Despite the myths, some truths stand out, for example the following:

The problem is not always the formula

If we try to give him the formula but he seems to reject it, it’s not always a problem with the milk. Sometimes the baby’s inconvenience is with the bottle or her nipple. taste different


until he adapts, as he needs comfort.

Even if we find that he doesn’t like that kind of formula, it’s possible to change it and keep trying. Remember to consult your pediatrician about which option is most convenient for your baby.

Does not harm your intellectual development

Formula-fed babies are as smart as anyone else. We know that the benefits of breast milk are countless. However, the child’s intellectual development should not be affected because they lack these nutrients.

Milk formulas for babies are developed based on nutrients needed to support the immune system. In addition, they contain probiotics and fatty acids that contribute to the


brain and the visual system.

You can combine the type of food

We believe that baby feeding should be strictly one modality. However, combining breastfeeding with a bottle is not a bad thing. During the first months, you can start with combined feeding, as long as the


have approved. Some mothers believe that this has even helped them to improve their milk production.

We can maintain the ability to produce milk

If you alternate the way you feed the baby, that is, you breastfeed him and give him formula, you do not lose your ability to breastfeed. Some myths talk about the decrease in milk production when we start formulating the baby. However, this system adapts to the needs of the little one. Therefore, if the baby is regularly consuming breast milk, our body will produce the amount he needs.

In contrast, when we give him less breast milk, the body will produce the amount it is consuming. So it is a mistake to believe that we will suddenly stop producing milk, or that we will lose our capacity.

The bond between mother and child is unbreakable

It is a fact that the bond created between a mother and her child during breastfeeding is unique. However, feeding him formula can be as great a show of love as any other. How does the baby know you are breast-feeding? He can feel you close, your embrace, your gaze and your love.

The depth in the relationship is something we cannot avoid in any way. Furthermore, we are entitled to feed you as we choose. Although there is fear and contrary opinions, no one can deny that the

affective bond

with our children is unbreakable.

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