5 Wonders That Are A Mother’s Only Privilege

5 wonders that are an exclusive privilege of mothers

Some maternity privileges are completely exclusive. It is not something that can be easily explained, and only those who have experienced it can understand. Fortunately the woman has unique characteristics that lead her to complete a valuable mission. It’s not just a moment we leave behind when it’s over, being a mother is forever.

If we observe, with awareness we can enjoy a wonderful process in every way. How to explain what you feel? Many moments are unique, especially when we know how to interpret and internalize them. We are privileged to be able to generate another human being and have an inevitable connection with our child.

Other privileges have to do with the sensations that provoke the deepest feelings. Anyone who has not carried a child in their belly will not be able to understand what we are talking about. They are often impossible emotions to believe if we don’t live them. Below, we summarize five wonderful moments that only Mom is privileged to experience.

Mom’s 5 Magical Moments

hear a heart beat inside you


One of the first contacts we have with the baby in our belly is listening to its heart. The first ultrasound is the moment that confirms the existence of life. It’s the feeling that you will never be alone again. You can’t see your little one well, but you can hear your heart beating very hard. It is wonderful! Even though this event can be witnessed by anyone, no one feels like the mother of what is really happening.

Feel the movement and kicks

At any other time in life we ​​would be afraid of such a sensation. Anything moving inside us – other than gas – would be frightening. However, when we are pregnant it is a magical moment, no matter what time it is,  or whether we are in the moment.

Feeling the first kicks and getting used to their movements is an exclusive and inexplicable privilege. We know that some moves are uncomfortable or irritating, but they are definitely unique. Whenever you feel your baby moving inside you, know that it is a way of communication. We get used to talking to him at these times, maybe they are doing the same.

The first time you touch your child

During pregnancy we get to know our little one, it is even possible to see images with precise details. However, nothing compares to the feeling of being able to touch and feel his skin on yours. The exclusivity of this moment lies in the fact that it is a unique moment. You will never see your baby like this again. Your temperature, skin tone, and the newborn’s characteristic swelling will change very soon.

Enjoy the pleasure of feeling your baby on your skin right after birth. If you can’t do this, when picking up your baby for the first time try not to let anyone else hold it before you at this time. In addition to being wonderful, this moment is very beneficial to the baby and means a kind of irreplaceable connection.

When the baby seeks your breast willingly

This is something all babies do on instinct. Only a mother had the privilege of seeing her baby try to find her breast so eagerly.

At this moment you are certainly surprised because nobody taught you to do this, it is an action that is the result of the bond that was created without being seen. He may have his eyes closed, he may be crying or confused, but he can smell you and see what is important to him.

Feeling that the baby is looking at you and really loves you


What would your baby be like if you weren’t there? He knows. You are the most important thing he has in his life. From then on, the loop becomes indestructible. It’s not just a feeling, the baby looks at you with love. He admires you, you are the world to him, not just a power source.

We’ve heard that babies cry because they miss their mother and calm down when they smell her. However, it is not enough to know about other cases. But when that happens to us, we understand everything. These are unique moments that we are privileged to experience and for which we should feel immensely grateful.

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