6 Great Motherhood Myths

The enormous happiness that a mother can experience when her child is on the way can be overshadowed by an enormous amount of doubts and thoughts that invade her mind, even more so because culturally the theme of “maternity” is full of myths.

Myths are a series of social beliefs that are propagated in the community due to lack of knowledge and credentials about some topic. When it comes to  motherhood,  there are countless beliefs that have passed from generation to generation and generally lack a basis or meaning.

These beliefs contribute to the tension, worry and fear caused by the inexperience that a mother may have in caring for her little one, calling into question whether her beautiful responsibility as a mother is being well regarded.

However, myths about motherhood should not become reasons to worry. On the contrary: if the mother is not aware of any circumstance or issue that concerns her, she should investigate and get information in order to carry out actions with some meaning.

Not everything we are told about motherhood is right. It’s important to know that every pregnancy is different and every baby develops differently from others. And with the proper knowledge of these cares, you can do an excellent job.

The myths about motherhood


Below we present a series of myths and truths about motherhood so that your thoughts stray from these beliefs and you can have peace of mind and confidence as a mother based on good information:

1. All mothers naturally have the maternal instinct

Quite the opposite. Being a mother brings great responsibilities that not all women are willing to face, turning the decision to be a mother into something even more important.

2. Being a mother is an infinite happiness

Although being a mother brings great joy and satisfaction to see our treasures grow, there are also sad moments, of worry and tension that are not happy and pose challenges.

3. Being a mother is losing your freedom

No, if you plan your day carefully so that among the activities you also have the right to have fun, go shopping, go to the movies, the park, etc…

4. Breastfeeding our children makes us better mothers

It is correct to say that breastfeeding helps the child’s healthy growth and strengthens the bond between them and the mother, but there are other forms of nutrition that are equally nutritious, and that do not detract from the fact  that we cannot breastfeed our child for some medical or organic reason, 

5. All women from childhood dream of being mothers

Of course, being a mother brings happiness and satisfaction, but it is not an indispensable requirement for us to feel like a woman.

6. Postpartum depression is a product of lack of love for the baby

The depressive feelings a mother feels right after giving birth are caused by the high hormonal activity she experiences right after giving birth, not a lack of love for the child.

Advice for Myth-Free Motherhood


Despite the veracity of some of the myths about motherhood, it is important to bear in mind the following tips so that you can expand your knowledge much more to minimize these wrong beliefs:

  • Consult magazines or articles related to motherhood in order to expand your knowledge on various topics , such as weaning, fear of children, how to be a mother and wife at the same time, among others.
  • Don’t pay too much attention to third-party comments and advice.  It is important to seek professional help whether from a doctor or psychologist.
  • Relying on your partner, as taking care of a baby and understanding the process is not easy and mothers will always need someone to understand and help them.
  • Mothers must have confidence in what they are doing and need to put their knowledge into practice. It doesn’t matter that they know little, as they are in themselves valuable and very brave women who always try to do their best.

It is important to bear in mind that not all mothers are perfect and know everything about their children, as well as valuing them as brave people who face the day-to-day with numerous challenges. And something that will make these challenges much easier is having access to adequate, well-sourced information about your motherhood.

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