6 Symptoms Of Lack Of Affection In Children

The lack of affection in children is more harmful than we usually think. During the first years of life, affection contributes positively to the development of neurons and the maturation of the brain.

Psychologists bring to the debate the fact that the lack of affection in babies can cause them to die, even if they have met other vital needs.

Why do children lack affection?

There is a misconception of what affective need means in children. It is not just love that is lacking in those who lack support as a child or who are subjected to violence.

They suffer from the need to be caressed; children who in their childhood also lacked love and in their adult stage suffer from the affective need syndrome, or because parents due to problems at work, are absent for long periods, do not dedicate their time to live with their children or are at home, but don’t give them the attention they deserve or need.

The new technologies of information and communication hampered face personal relationships face, you with yourself.

More and more, people communicate through the Internet, cell phones and all devices invented to “get closer” to those thousands of miles away.

The desire to relate to other people around the world makes us forget those with whom we live and we fail to care for our dearest ones.

However, despite the intensity of modern life that consumes 100% of our time, it is not even the rigor of work, household chores, our personal or professional fulfillment that leave aside the affection we should have for our children.

It’s the children, who realize it, often deprive themselves of the adults’ attention. And it’s virtual games, television, telephone, chat… that consume many hours of your free time.

“Read about the relationship between lack of affection and the virtual world in screen addiction”.

Nowadays, when a child is not at school, he is in front of the computer. We are in an Era in which children increasingly feel closer to the virtual world than to the real one. And where you feel the need to interact with your computer and your cloud friends more than with the real people.

6 symptoms of affective deficiency in children

1. Infections

It is known that the lack of affection in children is directly related to the onset of both psychological and physiological diseases and disorders.

Those children who daily miss or receive little affection from their parents, guardians, or any adult who is in charge of their protection are more likely to contract, even infections.

But how is this possible?

I explain to you:

The lack of affection influences the human body’s ability to defend itself from external agents such as viruses. A child with a lack of affection may have a depressed immune system  with fewer defense mechanisms to help fight infections.

“Learn more about the theme of affective deficit”

2. Physical development

One of the consequences that the lack of affection entails is the delay in the physical development of the short one. Growth slows down compared to other children of the same age.


3. The behavior

Children with deprivation have a tendency to develop serious behavioral disorders. Depending on the context and the child in question, they may even behave violently, withdraw, become melancholy or tearful.

Another consequence is that they change their moods frequently and for no reason, cannot control their impulses and behave contrary to what is expected of them.

4. Child stress

Child stress is another illness associated with lack of affection. A child who does not receive enough affection can develop chronic stress that will affect both their physical and emotional development.

5. The distrust

A child lacking in love and attention from his parents is distrustful of everything and everyone. This is an almost typical feeling for children who do not receive enough emotional support from those around them. Because they do not feel safe and fear for their physical integrity, they are in a state of alert regarding what is happening around them.

6. The difficulty to socially relate

Difficulty in relating socially is another symptom of lack of affection in children. It is difficult for these little ones to establish relationships with their peers. They don’t have the same social and communication skills as other children and have a hard time making friends.

our advice

If you notice that your child has any of these symptoms:

Seek medical help

Give him all the attention and affection possible.

Pet him, give him a kiss, put him to bed.

Sing him a song and tell him stories.

Strengthen the affective bond, listening to their opinions, helping them with their problems and doubts.

Develop all kinds of activities together (housework and gardening, field trips, trips to the beach, city tours…).

Play with it.

Prevent your child from growing up without that love that as a mother you should have for him. Enjoy your motherhood and your childhood, the one that happens only once in a lifetime. Pay attention to our recommendations. Be a better mother every day.  

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