6 Ways To Tell Your Child You Love Him Every Day

Today’s fathers and mothers are so busy that they sometimes forget to take a few moments to do something as important as tell their children that they love them.
6 Ways to Tell Your Child You Love Him Every Day

As obvious as it may seem, telling your child that you love him or her is very important. He knows, but he likes you to remind him. He needs this.

The good news is, you don’t need a lot of time for this. So it doesn’t matter how busy you are. In fact, it doesn’t really matter if you spend little time with your child as long as you always remember to show that you love him . There are many ways and moments you can take the opportunity to tell your child that you love him or her. Let’s see some.

Leave notes and messages to say you love him

This is something you can do at any age . You can leave written messages between books, on your desk, in your school bag or between toys. You can write a short message or draw loving pictures. Another suggestion is to put something so that he remembers you and how much you love him in the snacks or lunchboxes he takes to school.

For the older ones, you can resort to using technology. For example, send an email or a message via any instant messaging app. Emoticons say a lot and don’t take any work.

Hug and kiss whenever you greet them

In the morning when you wake up or at night at bedtime are two essential times of the day that you can enjoy hugging and kissing your child. Forget about anything other than giving a concentrated love pill.

When you or your child leave the house or when you come back and meet again, it’s a good time for a kiss and a hug. It’s very easy to do this with young children. As time goes by, this habit gets lost as if it weren’t all that important. But is! It’s a small gesture, but it means a lot to children.

you love him

Eat with your child at least once a day

Research shows that eating with parents at least once a day has many benefits for children. This includes reducing the risk of consuming toxic substances, higher education and better self-esteem.

Lunchtime or dinnertime is an excellent opportunity to catch up and talk about whatever your child is thinking about. Therefore, it is important to gather around the table, without television.

When you are with your child, give him your full attention.

A recent study found that children are finding that parents are easily distracted when they are with them, and that they pay more attention to their own phones than anything else. This, more than being a bad example, is a lack of respect for your child.

When your child wants to talk to you about something, let go of the phone and other distractions and pay attention to him. If there’s any urgency, make sure he understands that you have to see this now. Don’t leave him talking to himself or leave without explaining. Time is the best thing you can give your kids. And, of course, it’s what they value the most.

Plan activities with your child

Time is the best gift parents can give their children. But quality time, shared time. Being with your child at home while he does what he wants while you’re busy with something else isn’t the same as putting aside your chores to do something with your child.

Plan activities for the weekend or join your children in activities outside the home. It can be craft activities, sports, learning to dance or any other skill. This is a great way to tell your child that you enjoy being with him or her. In addition to creating complicity, it provides plenty of opportunities to say verbally how much you love him and enjoy spending time with him.

In addition to saying you love him, you can wish him a good day, send him a motivational phrase, or simply say how much you remember him or miss him. But don’t abuse it. Especially if he’s older. This is just one of the many things you can do.

you love him

Thank your child for everything he does

Always thanking and saying “you’re welcome” is one of the best ways to educate on the basis of gratitude and show gratitude for everything that comes from your child. Gratitude promotes great values ​​and brings out the best in each of us.

In addition to thanking him for everything he does for you, whether you asked for it or not, you can do so much more . Once in a while, thank him for nothing. Just because yes, for being there, for being him, for bringing you joy in the mornings or for cheering you up with a smile. Anything goes. He will love it!

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