7 Documentaries To Work Emotions In Elementary School II And High School

These 7 documentaries will help teenagers to better understand the importance of emotions to work with them.
7 documentaries to work emotions in Elementary II and High School

When our children are already teenagers, it is important that they have good emotional intelligence so that they understand themselves and others. They need information about emotions and brain functioning to better understand what happens to them every day. So, let’s talk about some documentaries to work emotions in Elementary II and High School.

Adolescents may find it easier to understand and identify their emotions and feelings and, thus, be able to regulate them appropriately. Therefore, documentaries can be a great tool, as they provide real content for teenagers to better understand everything about the subject.

1. Consciencia, el power de la mente (Consciousness, the power of the mind)

This is a documentary that helps teenagers understand conscience and its role in each of us. They will learn how this works inside the mind, whether awake or in the world of Morpheus. It’s an excellent documentary for learning about emotions as well as emotional management.

2. Explaining – The Mind

The mind has a lot of power, more than we can imagine. That’s why it’s so important to watch this documentary together with teenagers. They will be able to know what their mind can do simply by trying hard enough. In fact, the power of the mind and the control that one has over it depends mainly on the actions we do, but most of all on our emotions.

It’s a documentary that you can find on Netflix and it has several chapters of 20 minutes each. They will help teenagers understand, for example, why we think what we think. And it also talks about memories, dreams, anxiety, etc.

3. El pode las emociones (The power of emotions)

This is one of the documentaries to work with emotions on our list because it is a good choice to help teenagers understand the importance of affection for human health. It talks about the emotions and consequences of affection in people and how these feelings influence the human mind. It also talks about how to acquire good habits for mental and emotional well-being. Shows the importance of recognizing emotions and knowing how to manage them.

4. Mystical Brain

This documentary refers to the emotional well-being of people considered “mystics”, who meditate daily. In fact, it talks about how meditation can benefit the mind as well as physical health. It is an experience that transforms and improves health. There are also references to peace of mind and how it protects the organism.

5. Learning to manage las emotions (Learning to manage emotions)

This documentary is great for learning to explore and learn more about emotions in society. It talks about the importance of how emotions should be a required subject in the academic curriculum. In addition, appears Daniel Goleman, interviewed by Eduard Punset, and also talks about how imperative it is to control and understand the emotions we feel as negative.

6. The Emotions of Others

This documentary is based on an investigation of emotions in society, ours and others, and their influence on the way we communicate. These emotions are our guide to making some decisions or others.

It also provides teenagers with very valuable information about how the body reveals emotions, especially in nonverbal language. Although it is a documentary in English, it is subtitled.

7. Emotional education (Emotional education)

This documentary is very good and was filmed in Barcelona, ​​in a school. Shows how emotional education is worked in Early Childhood Education. In it, emotions are discussed with children and solutions are sought when problems occur that make them feel negative emotions. What matters is that emotions can be worked from childhood. It’s in Catalan, but subtitles can be turned on.

In short, any one of these 7 documentaries is ideal for working on emotions and emotional intelligence with teenagers. What matters is to reflect on all the content learned from the videos after watching.

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