7 Reasons To Have More Than One Child

7 reasons to have more than one child

Having more than one child is something that most couples look at as a possibility. However, birth rates indicate that most families have only one child. It is usually an economic, social, and totally external conflict that determines this decision. However, those who have had more than one child say there are countless reasons to do so.

Although they still only have one child, there are many couples who may want to expand their family. Often it is not even necessary to know the reasons. If having one child is wonderful, having several could not be different. In any case, if you’re still not excited, we’ve told you 7 reasons why it’s worth having more than one



Why have more than one child?

Because distributing love is easier

When our first child is born, we don’t want anything to stand in the way of our love for him. However, as we know, the main mission of a mother is to distribute love. It will not be unfair to the oldest child, on the contrary, it is an excellent opportunity to teach and learn from this situation.

We fell in love with the second or third child, just as we did with the first. Every child is different, so they will earn a place in their


in your own way. Having more than one child is the perfect excuse to distribute love.

Both will have someone to play with

When the ages are similar there won’t be a better gaming buddy than his brother. Although the age difference is big, they will find a way to play. The siblings can be very different, but they end up being very close.

They will learn to understand each other so that their games will go in the same direction. They will certainly share some tastes and accept those that are not to their liking. Between children it’s easier

to play

, so they don’t need the intervention of an adult.

nothing will be wasted

Generally, with the second child, a lot of expenses are reduced compared to what we had with the first. Many of the things your first child used will serve others. Both clothes and toys can be inherited by the younger brother, including one who has not yet been born. Things such as the stroller, crib or other large, good quality objects will be used by the



In most cases  parents exaggerate about the products they buy for their first child.  If we keep these objects, most likely we will save a lot in another pregnancy. Sometimes, it happens that they are born very close to each other, this is ideal for


the purchased for the first.

The older brother will be your right hand man

Your oldest child may be almost as small as the second, but it will always be a little bigger. As they grow, the first one will go beyond stages and will soon be able to help him with his little brother. The company, the responsibility, the care for the younger brother began to appear quickly.

As they grow older, the older brother develops a protective instinct over his younger brother. Soon you will have an ally, who is not just to play with, but who will also take on certain responsibilities. Likewise, the first will serve as a learning model for your little brothers. 

Learn the importance of sharing

When you have more than one child, you realize how important it is to share. The sibling relationship defines what it means to collaborate, to give what we have and to relate without conditions. Sharing is a rule among families with more than one child. There can be no pettiness or refusal to cooperate.

Children who are only children don’t get used to sharing very often; but those who have siblings do. They will definitely fight and sometimes it will be difficult for them or it will seem unfair to them, but it’s all part of the



Train as negotiators

The brothers have no choice but to negotiate among themselves. Even without their parents’ intervention, they will have to make their own rules and abide by them. Negotiation is a process that allows you to mature and obtain useful tools for life.

Trading between children can be a lot of fun for us. Seeing them establish a dialogue that leads them to a consensus is something that allows us to clearly observe how much they have grown. 

learn to resolve conflicts

As we know, siblings can get into fights often. This particularity ends up becoming an exercise for them to learn to face themselves in a healthy way. It’s also ideal for expressing their point of view and making it count.

However, the most fruitful thing about fighting between siblings is the way to resolve differences. You will definitely have to forgive yourself and get back to being friends. With this, tolerance and


, moreover, it is very valuable to highlight the love they feel for each other.

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