7 Secrets Revealed In Second Pregnancy

To a large extent, during the second pregnancy, the experience is an advantage that can be used very well. This step can be faced with greater security and confidence in the process. However, there will never be a pregnancy like the other. In general, the adaptation times and reactions of the woman’s body tend to be shorter in the second pregnancy.

Other changes may occur, which may be very different from the first pregnancy. As a result, the secrets that reveal themselves in the second pregnancy may be unsuspected.

What secrets are discovered?

  1. The body changes in the second pregnancy

  • In the first pregnancy:  in some cases  the first belly grows slowly  and becomes small. You lose weight more easily and quickly.
  • In the second pregnancy:  at this moment the belly grows more and very fast, from the first moment. After childbirth it is difficult to lose weight.

    1. time is reduced

    • With the first child: you don’t have enough time to do the things you want to do. During the postpartum period, women usually feel tired, exhausted by sleepless nights, having to attend to the baby, without having time for her.
    • With the second child: the obligations are multiplied by two. Now with two children, work is doubled, food, shopping, washing clothes, bathing. If with the first baby there was not enough time, imagine with two, it will be very difficult to have time for yourself.
    1. The elder brother’s jealousy, inevitable

    • With the first child: it is normal that when the baby is alone, he  will get used to having his things without having to share them  with another child. It’s easy to have the room all to himself, all the attention, affection and love. The family consents to being the first-born, all toys and gifts are for him.
    • With the second child: here the first child becomes the older brother, he has to share everything, the room, the toys. The moment the second baby is born, the whole family focuses on him. For the first child the arrival of the little brother will be a very drastic change. Jealousy will appear the moment the child notices that all the things they were doing with him are being done for the second baby.
    1. The second birth was much better

    • In the first pregnancy: the woman in her first birth may be afraid or nervous that things are not going well. A new experience can result in a lot of trauma, even so, hoping that everything goes well and that the baby is alive and healthy.
    • In the second pregnancy: already  with the experience of the first pregnancy, she does not feel insecure and in doubt. You feel calmer, depending on the pain you may feel, as mentioned earlier, no pregnancy is the same. However, even though most say they had an easier birth, anxiety can still exist because they don’t know exactly what to expect.

      1. The stress wasn’t so much

      • With the first child:  stress was too much, always thinking about what was good or bad for the baby. Paying close attention to the nights, you could breathe well, what position you were in, all those little things that you should be careful about, but without worrying so much. This could only happen to first-time mothers, for whom all experiences are new.
      • With the second pregnancy: in this opportunity  there is no longer the same concern as with the first. As we have said, we already have the experience, we have greater knowledge and information about the care that should be taken. It is no longer necessary to go to the pediatrician often for anything the baby has.
        1. forgetting the details

        During the first pregnancy, there were many more purchases of clothes, cribs, playpen, various toys. However,  with the second pregnancy, the clothes of the first child will be reused with the second. Sometimes something can be bought, but whatever the brother has not used, he will use it.

        1. learning much more

        After all these things we mentioned earlier, we  find that each child has his character.  Being able to raise them in such a way that they themselves demonstrate that there are always things to learn is a secret revealed.

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