7 Tips For Preventing Colds In Babies

Even though preventing colds is very difficult, parents can help their baby have a strong immune system by eating healthy. That way you can avoid getting sick regularly.
7 tips to prevent colds in babies

All parents get upset when their babies get sick. However, viruses do exist, and despite all precautions, it is not possible to prevent colds.

They are very common, especially in the very cold months. In addition, they can get worse if some bacteria take advantage of the reduced defenses, which makes the baby suffer from bronchiolitis or even pneumonia. So let’s tell you how you can prevent colds in babies.

Causes of Colds in Babies

One of the causes for babies to get colds is that their immune system is not fully developed. Also, as they grow up, they want to explore everything, which makes them put everything in their mouths in their mouths.

On the other hand, they can also become infected by touching a contaminated object. And finally, constant changes in temperature also contribute to the emergence of these diseases.

Symptoms of Colds in Babies

Among the most frequent symptoms are:

  • Clear mucous coming out of the nose, which soon (in about a week) will turn yellow or thick green.
  • Repeated sneezing.
  • Mild sore throat.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Ragged breathing.
  • General rebate.
  • Cough, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

7 tips to prevent colds in babies

When do I need to see a doctor?

If the baby is less than 3 months old, you should see your doctor when you notice any of these symptoms. This is even more necessary and urgent when the baby has a high fever above 38 degrees. 

From 3 months to 1 year of age, it is necessary to consult the doctor if the baby has a high fever of 38.5 degrees and when you have an excessive cough, as this can be an indicator of bronchiolitis or pneumonia.

Advice to prevent colds in babies

There is a lot of advice for preventing colds in babies. We will cover 7 of them that will help parents take care of the little ones who have a cold:

1 – Breastfeed regularly

Breast milk is essential to prevent colds in babies. So, feed regularly. Although breast milk is not a defense against disease, it makes children less ill as it contains antibodies that protect them from germs.

2 – Try to keep the baby away from sick people

Avoid, as far as possible, that the baby has contact with a person who has a cold. If someone has a cold and wants to visit the baby, kindly tell them to visit him another day, when the contagion stage is over.

3 – Keep the baby warm

It is essential that you keep the baby warm. If you’re going out, shelter him well and make sure his hands, feet and heads are well protected from the cold; but also don’t shelter him too much so he doesn’t break out in a sweat.

4 – Feed him healthily

Feed him properly. You can include lots of fruits and vegetables in your baby’s diet. It is also good that he consume fruits that have a lot of vitamin C: although it does not cure colds, it helps to strengthen the immune system, which fights the virus.

5 – Wash your hands constantly

Everyone around you should wash their hands often before touching the baby. Hands can transmit a lot of germs. Also, try to keep toys clean as babies put them in their mouths.

6 – Try not to take him indoors

Try as much as possible not to take the baby to closed places, such as shopping malls or restaurants, since in this environment it is possible to find sick people and, in this way, the viruses can proliferate.

7 – Hydrate it well

If the baby is less than 6 months old, continue with the normal breastfeeding or formula routine. On the other hand, if he is older than 6 months, you should try to hydrate him with plenty of water. If he urinates several times a day, it means he is well hydrated.

7 tips to prevent colds in babies

Natural Remedies That Can Prevent Colds in Babies

Although it is recommended to take the baby to the doctor, to examine him and indicate a treatment, some things can be done at home to prevent colds in babies. For example:

  • Use nose drops.
  • Put a vaporizer in the room: you can add drops of mint or eucalyptus essence.
  • Use air humidifier indoors in order to keep them moist. 

So even though it’s normal in young children, it’s possible to take steps to prevent colds in babies. You should pay attention to any symptoms that appear; if the baby has a high fever and constant cough, it is recommended that you take him to the doctor immediately.

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