7 Tips To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Keeping up with the pace that requires caring for a baby during its first few months of life often tends to be tiring for the mother.
7 tips to get your baby to sleep through the night

Tiredness appears, mainly, because the child does not sleep all night. Therefore, the mother cannot rest for long hours without interruption either.

The fact that the baby does not sleep through the night is a survival mechanism.

Babies are constantly on the alert, often waking up if they’re uncomfortable, hungry, or just to check that you’re around.

The good news is that as they grow older, their sleep cycles become longer and longer, almost adult-like.

During the first 6 months you will notice big changes. From this age, babies have a significant development that will make night sleep more continuous and peaceful.

Despite this, not all children develop and behave in the same way. Some will sleep through the night from 6 months. Others will do this when they are 2 years old or more.

What to do to make your baby sleep through the night

establish routines

Experts recommend that, as far as possible, you need to set a time and stick to it every day.

This serves to gradually create a good sleep habit that encourages as much rest as possible.


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Put him in his crib before he fully falls asleep

The idea of ​​this is that the baby develops the awareness that he falls asleep in the crib and wakes up in the same place.

If he falls asleep in his bedroom, living room, or anywhere else in the house and is then taken to his crib, chances are good that he will notice the change when he is placed elsewhere. So you will wake up.

Allow time to elapse between the last feed and the crib

Do not lay the baby down immediately after bottle-feeding or breast-feeding. This is because it can cause regurgitation, gas or colic.

Make sure at least 20 minutes have passed to prevent these annoyances from letting you sleep.

If he wakes up during the night, don’t run to his room immediately

Usually, mothers immediately go to the rescue of their little one as soon as they hear that he woke up or cried a little.

The recommendation is that you have a little patience. Stay close to the child’s room, but quietly and wait to see if the child goes back to sleep alone.

If, in any case, your child cannot fall asleep alone, go beside him and try to soothe him sweetly, with caresses or songs and without turning on the light.

Mostly, avoid taking him out of the crib. Comfort him, but beside him, so that he understands that he must continue to sleep.

If you are still breastfeeding, offer your milk

Perhaps the child is not hungry. But it is proven that in its chest, the child does not only seek food. She also comforts and calms down.

Listening to your heartbeat is one of the most effective methods for your child to be able to calm down. If she is calm, it will be easy to fall asleep.

If your baby is healthy and has a good weight, he doesn’t need to be fed at night.

If your baby is over 8 months of age, healthy and gaining weight over time, it is not necessary for you to bottle-feed for the night.

Often, what children experience is thirst rather than hunger. So offer him a bottle, but with water.

The mere sensation of sucking can relax your baby and make him fall asleep again.

all night

Make sure your baby gets enough sleep during the day

Naps at this age are very important. Don’t believe that he will sleep better if he sleeps fewer hours during the day.

It is not recommended to interrupt naps to prevent the baby from getting sleepy at the usual time. That’s because the tiredness itself can prevent you from sleeping well at night.

Before making any changes to the child’s routine, it is necessary to know that a good sleep habit will become a solid foundation so that, in the future, your child does not develop any health problems, such as insomnia, headaches, mood swings, lack of concentration and even appetite disturbances.

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