8 Tricks For Teaching English To Children At Home

Knowing English is extremely necessary nowadays. However, so that your children do not see this as an obligation, it is good that you put into practice certain strategies that make learning interesting and fun.
8 Tricks for Teaching English to Children at Home

Over the years, a number of methods have been developed in order to teach English to children more easily, as a second language in most cases. Ultimately,  the methodology is based on correct pronunciation, as it allows the development of the cognitive ability of bilingual children.

How to teach English without forcing children?

One of the most widespread beliefs is that, in order to be  bilingual,  a child needs to speak or have contact with both languages ​​from an early age.  However, for others this is a myth, as it is also claimed that you can learn a second language at an older age.

The secret, according to professionals in the field, is to use the proper procedure, regardless of age. That’s why  in recent years the use of more fun and practical teaching methods has increased.  So, teaching children English can be fun to the point where they have fun and look forward to the next class.

One of the safest bets to teach English to children is to involve them completely in this environment,  that is, that during the class the development is complete in this language.

Thus, they will have permanent contact with the correct or phonetic pronunciation of the language and will  get used to its use and the expressiveness of the spoken language.

It is quite likely that at first there is some resistance and this is totally normal, as it is easier to communicate in the way that we find most comfortable.  However, by teaching children English in this way, you will create in them the idea of ​​seeing the new language as an adventure to be discovered.

One of the most common mistakes is asking the child to memorize and repeat English words or expressions. We must understand that this pressure actually blocks the ability to learn, as the brain can take several weeks to process this information, organize ideas into a new language, and finally express them.

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Recommended tricks for teaching English to children

Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages ​​or languages ​​without requiring more effort. If you take your child to an English school or course, you  should try to reinforce that learning at home as much as possible.

Teaching English to children will not only become a chore outside the home, it will become their natural environment as well That’s why it’s good that you know the following tricks:

1.- Watch television programs in English

With small adjustments on the TV’s “language” key  you can program this .  And make sure the change involves shows, movies or cartoons, so the kids are also attracted.

2.- Relating to the environment

Get your children to interact with other children or people who speak English.  Of course, just right so they don’t feel intimidated.

3.- Reading in English

If you are encouraging a love of reading, it would be a good idea to offer your child a book in that language. It can be  a book that has illustrations with characters,  actions or objects.

4.- Propose simple and fun games

Play by saying the colors, of the cars passing in the street or of the things around you, in English. Remember: teaching English to children has to be a chore accompanied by entertainment. Ever.

5.- Through music

This method  will allow you to associate a spoken word or expression with an action,  allowing for easier understanding of the spoken language. Besides, of course, it’s a lot of fun.

6.- Electronic devices

Take advantage of new technology features to encourage understanding and learning. If your kids use tablets, cell phones or other devices,  you can look for apps in English to get them as familiar as possible with the use of language combined with technology.

mother and daughter tablet

7.- Participate in activities

Don’t see this as a nonsense . You can ask for permission at work to attend or follow a class on the course.  Your kids watching you interact in class will be very motivating for them.

8.- Time

You must establish what is known as the timing strategy. Remember, we are talking about bilingual children. So  if you take days off to speak in a different language, they will keep mastering their mother tongue and learning English without getting overwhelmed.

Keep in mind that teaching children correctly requires establishing an emotional bond with them.  A child’s curiosity and an appropriate home environment will make a big difference for him to be able to master a second language perfectly.


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