A Messy Child Is A Happy Child

Like many mothers, perhaps you have idealized motherhood and today you deny that you dreamed of your child. But you never thought about his behavior.
A messy child is a happy child

Regardless of whether you imagined it or not, there’s nothing to worry or regret. Because every messy child is a happy child.

Contrary to the notion of tiredness with which we measure child behavior, a messy, noisy or restless child is synonymous with a childhood as happy as it is happy. Or have they never said that you should feel happy about your child’s energy and excitement because it means having a completely healthy child?

You often hear people say “This baby doesn’t sit still” . Fortunately, this is totally normal .  The mistake consists in the absurd pretense of wanting the child to behave in the same way as an adult. Thus, the child ends up getting to know the world around him through these uncomfortable comments that adults make.

A messy child is a child who learns by exploring

A messy child, in addition to being free and happy, is a child who is in the process of learning. Through these childhood experiences and adventures, children discover objects, textures, reactions. For this same reason, it is not convenient to limit these lessons that only life allows you to experience.

messy child

It will be essential, therefore, not to forget what childhood consists of and the importance of this phase. Without a doubt, one of the most plastic stages of the personality of every being. So, those who undertook this difficult but beautiful mission of motherhood or fatherhood should opt for empathy.

What is better than connecting with those wonderful years that marked our lives and left, above all, a legacy characterized by those mischiefs that today have become the best memories and jokes that we remember with our biggest smile?

Your baby will necessarily cry, laugh and scream. Because it’s his way of communicating with you and expressing what he feels, as well as expressing any need or discomfort. Don’t be distressed, you are doing the right thing even though you didn’t come into the world with a parenting manual.

Likewise, your little one will want to jump, run, sing and ask questions over and over. This is part of children’s games, and childhood play transcends mere fun and entertainment. Furthermore, these experiences are transformed into teachings and learning.

messy child

A messy child is a complete child

The messy child is a complete, happy baby. As you well know, little ones want to lean over and feel everything. In some situations, they even want to lick.  These are the best ways to learn and experiment.  It is through this mechanism that the child, in addition to feeling free, feels capable and fulfilled.

If you force her to be quiet or to stand still like a statue, you forge a personality as withdrawn and introverted as it is fearful and hesitant. These little ones will not dare to explore either out of fear or guilt, thus causing a certain dependence on the parents and completely ending the little one’s own autonomy.

All of this cannot result in anything other than low self-esteem. A load too heavy to bear for any child. A scar that will remain marked on the skin until adulthood and that, even in the future, will require the person to deal with it in all areas of life.

Contrary to what is usually stated, crying must be attended to. The child’s desire to play must be fulfilled. Of course, always with the attention, protection and supervision of an adult to avoid any kind of harm or danger. But in any case, as parents, we must foster child exploration and curiosity.

It is precisely this freedom, this pleasure that awakens the power to play and take everything out of it, and this interaction with fear that makes any child very happy.  Yes, even if many people don’t like it, childhood is noisy by nature and by definition.

For this reason, being happy at this stage of life means being an active, restless, curious, audacious child. There will still be plenty of time, when the child grows up, to be quiet without disturbing anyone. But your child’s today and now is the action. An action that, in turn, we must accept, respect and encourage.

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