Advice On Reducing Acidity In Pregnancy

Acidity in pregnancy is very common, especially in the third trimester. Therefore, it is essential to adapt our diet to prevent and alleviate this discomfort.
Advice to reduce acidity in pregnancy

As the pregnancy progresses, various symptoms appear. They are manifestations of the physiological processes that the fetus goes through, but also of the physical and metabolic changes in the woman’s body. These changes do not affect all pregnant women equally. Symptoms vary from woman to woman.

One of the symptoms that most affects pregnant women is stomach acidity. It is an unpleasant condition in which one feels burning and heaviness in the stomach after meals. It is a common discomfort that can appear at any time during pregnancy, although it is more common to appear in the second and third trimesters.

 What causes acidity in pregnancy?

Acidity can be explained by several causes, such as food or an increase in the size of the uterus. One of the keys to the appearance of this symptom is the hormonal changes that inevitably occur during pregnancy. More specifically, progesterone has a great influence on this process.

In pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and also the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. In this way, gastric acids return to the esophagus, producing the feeling of heartburn.

This hormone, in addition, slows down the contractions of the digestive system, causing the digestion process to slow down. This, added to the baby’s pressure on the stomach, will facilitate the onset of heartburn.

acidity in pregnancy

Medicines for Acidity in Pregnancy

Although it is very difficult to completely eliminate this symptom, there are some remedies that can help delay its onset. They are also useful when it comes to mitigating its effects, making heartburn lighter and easier to deal with.

  • Avoid overeating at meals. Menus during pregnancy should avoid overeating. It is preferable to have light meals throughout the day to satiate your appetite.
  • Watch out for certain foods. It is recommended to avoid foods that are too fatty, peppery, with a lot of caffeine and too sweet. On the other hand, consuming fruits and vegetables is great for preventing and relieving acidity in pregnancy.
  • Eat well and slowly. When eating food, chewing slowly helps to facilitate digestion with meals. Therefore, eating calmly and calmly will help you to avoid heartburn.
  • Drink water between meals. It is important to drink enough water during pregnancy, but not to overdo it. Too much fluid can swell the stomach.
  • Chewing gum after meals. This stimulates the salivary glands. Saliva will help neutralize the acidity.
  • Do not sleep right after meals. It is preferable to wait an hour or two to improve digestion. Furthermore, at bedtime it is best to lie down with an inclination of approximately 45º. This position makes the reflux stay in the stomach.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid items of clothing that tighten around the waist and stomach.
  • Do not smoke. In addition to being harmful to health, especially during pregnancy, smoking increases stomach acid.
  • Avoid stress. Try to carry out calm activities, practice some light sport or take breaths to relax. This won’t just help with heartburn. You’ll also feel better in a lot of other ways.

acidity in pregnancy

What to do if acidity persists

If despite the above advice you continue to suffer from uncomfortable stomach acid, there are some natural, homemade remedies that can help alleviate your symptoms. For example, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, such as fruit juices.

Another commonly used solution is to take a spoonful of oil on an empty stomach, as the oil will act as an absorbent of fatty acids. Moderate consumption of milk and yogurt can also relieve symptoms.

However, in some women dairy products have the opposite effect, worsening the feeling of discomfort.

Finally, if none of this works, you can see your doctor or gynecologist and ask for specific medications. But beware: although antacids and bicarbonate take effect quickly, they can also have negative consequences.

It is important to remember that all medications can only be taken with a doctor’s prescription, as it can affect the baby’s health and development.

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