All I Know Is That I Love You, My Son my

Before I lay my head on my pillow every night, before I start planning the day each time the sun comes out and I start to establish strategies to deal with the tasks that each task requires, I have a single certainty that makes me overcome any difficulty: my love for you.
I just know that I love you my son

I just know that I love you, my son. And the love I have is enough to overcome anything.

When people ask me how I’m going to achieve this or that, I confess that what I do is cling to a single certainty: you and the love I feel for you. This feeling gives me the energy I need to be the mother you need. And even though I love you unconditionally, I want to apologize, son.

I want you to know that I often don’t know what to do. I often don’t know how to solve many of the problems we have to face, nor how to deal with the mood swings we both go through.  I have been wrong many times with you, I am aware of that. I swear I strive to change, to be better every day. But sometimes I make mistakes.

However, I always have reasons to continue. I have reasons because at the end of the day, after remembering all my mistakes and successes, I only know that I love you, son. And this feeling confirms to me that our love can overcome everything.

I love you

I love you and I strive for you

It might sound like an excuse, I know. But it’s my truth. I admit that I am full of flaws. I know that, many times, they beat me and I end up making mistakes with you, my son .

In time, you will learn that no one is perfect. You will find that I strive every day to be the best person and give the best I have. I’m not talking about material things, because every day, in addition to taking care of you with the greatest possible dedication, I try to be the best mother in the world.

Work like never before, I swear. And I am aware that sometimes I miss many moments in your life .  I am striving to give you the best. So that you do not lack anything and that your future is full of opportunities. I try to shine for you. And achieving this splendor requires many sacrifices, my love.

Always by your side

I swear I would like to be by your side at all times and not waste a single second of your life. Just like I did when you were born.  At that moment we were each other. I was dedicated only to being available to you and taking care of you and the house. You were just a baby and you were as happy eating and sleeping as you wanted. But now circumstances have changed.

You are getting bigger, prettier and smarter. But also demanding. And sometimes you ask me for answers I don’t have.  Many times you also demand from me, even if unconsciously, virtues that I still don’t cultivate. So I say that, despite losing my temper sometimes, the only thing I know is that I love you and that everything I do in my life is for you, for the love I feel for you.

I love you more than anyone in my life

I love you

From before birth I loved you.  Even before getting pregnant I already saved a space full of love in my heart for you. Now that you are by my side, as I watch you sleep, smile, eat and even play mischief, I realize that you are more beautiful than I had ever imagined.

You are the reason why I get up every day, why I face this increasingly aggressive world, more full of problems and new demands.  I get over everything for you, my son. I love you and I want you to be happy. Some nights, upset by the challenges that appear in our lives, by the obstacles that we as a family must face, I think that, even if I have to face a sea of ​​adversity, my love for you will give me the necessary strength to overcome everything, to win everything .

the most powerful feeling

My love for you is the most powerful feeling I have. I don’t miss you telling me anything to remind me of my obligations to you.  I love you just because you are my son. I believe that just as I am able to overcome everything, I am also able to forgive anything. I confess that I don’t know why I’m capable of loving you so much. I also don’t know where this feeling comes from or what it feeds on. The truth is, I just know I love you, son. That’s enough for me.

It may seem like a cliché phrase. But I still don’t care, I need to say. You are the love of my life, you are the one who fills my mornings with hope and who comforts all my nights.  You are the angel I see sleeping when I get home and you are also the angel I see laughing so sweetly.

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