Are We Promoting The Creation Of Consumerist Children?

It is you that your child looks up to. So if you have a consumerist child, he may have had a good teacher. Learn more about this problem, which affects many children, below.
Are we promoting the creation of consumerist children?

Children today have a lot more than they need. This is a reality. However, the focus must be on whether the attitudes of some parents are promoting the upbringing of consumer children.

Parents have a responsibility to raise their children and ensure their development in an appropriate way. This means that, among other things, they must have control over the child’s purchases.  

In addition, responsible adults ​​also have the right and obligation to guide the child and decide what kind of publicity they should be exposed to.

Likewise,  schools also have a mission to teach and promote student growth,  taking into account responsible ethical codes, in addition to providing the information and skills necessary for life.

Unfortunately,  the market for products and food for children is huge and this affects the creation of consumer children. In these cases, parents find it difficult to educate their children in the way they want.

At the same time,  children are increasingly influenced by consumerism  which, in most cases, goes against the values ​​taught by their parents. There are many studies dealing with child behavior and the influence of marketing. We’ll dig a little deeper below .    

Consumer children, permissive parents

Undoubtedly,  the main cause of the existence of cases of consumerist children is the permissiveness and excessive attention of some parents. And this is well known to the little ones.

For example,  when they cry or use typical tantrums, you shouldn’t give in right away. This can be used to get what they want at that moment and, as a consequence, the permissiveness that accompanies their education will be reaffirmed.

consumer children

In addition, children must be educated responsibly. This means that  parents must set an example and teach the little ones to have responsible consumption and to avoid meaningless excesses.

After all,  they repeat the attitudes of their elders, which they consider as references. Remember, you are the one your child looks up to.

As a mother,  you should convey to your child the value of things and not give him everything he asks for. If you find that he has difficulty understanding this, take your time and explain clearly what is going on.   

Communication is the key to preventing your child from becoming a consumer child. In addition, it will also allow him to understand and accept the imposed rules. We recommend avoiding overabundance with the child. This means that, as far as possible, the child should not have much more objects than he needs.

Tips to avoid raising consumerist children

Here are some tips to keep kids from being consumers. Take notes and try to take them into account in your child’s education!

1. Set the limits

First of all, we recommend that you  set the limits and say ‘no’ on many occasions. You can’t give the child everything he asks for, because, among other things, it makes him not value many of his actions.   

2. Don’t exaggerate on gifts

As a mother, you might want to fill your child with gifts. However,  you should not overdo this as it helps to create a consumer child. Therefore, you must find other ways to convey your love.

3. Don’t try to make them always happy

Children are not always happy. When they cry or tantrum, it doesn’t always mean that the parents did something wrong.  

Therefore, if you notice that the child is experiencing some discomfort, you should let him or her overcome it alone. This will help her emotionally strengthen and improve her ability to cope.

consumer children

4. Lead by example

If you want your child not to have consumer habits, you should encourage healthy eating and make sure you lead by example. Start valuing things and don’t overbuy. Also, remember that it’s important that you don’t compare yourself to other parents, as the rules are different in each household.

Finally,  remember that the upbringing of consumer children has its origins in the family nucleus. Therefore, the most important thing is that you act responsibly in front of the child and have consistent consumption.

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