Being A Mother Is A Wonderful Gift

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

Only a mother can understand that a woman’s true fulfillment is achieved when she gives birth to her children. This achievement has nothing to do with professional aspirations or revolutionary achievements in gender equality. It is not that these achievements are unimportant, they are in fact extremely important and, in fact, all mothers should fight for women to receive equal treatment in all areas of life, because being a mother is a gift.

However, the fulfillment a woman achieves when she experiences the wonderful gift of being a mother is unlike anything else, because nothing can match the feeling one soul feels when giving life to another.

Exactly this point is incomparable, as life is the most wonderful event that nature has ever created. The woman was given the great gift of making this possible, in addition to being a witness and, at the same time, a co-protagonist of the miracle that is being generated in her belly.

Inside this woman who is beginning to become a mother, there is a fertilized cell that, in turn, holds the mystery of life, which will be present in person within nine months. These 270 days are a milestone for the couple who became pregnant. The mother who keeps and protects the baby in her belly feels in her own flesh every change, every advance, every anguish, every joy, every demonstration of life. From this mother, an intelligent and beautiful being will be born, with awareness and capacity to create and transform the world. Those who have already given birth know why their child, without a doubt, changed their world.

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

Being a mother is a gift, it’s a gift that makes you feel complete

The best way for a woman to live such an intense experience is with gratitude. Giving thanks for the gift received will help to bring out this unique feeling that is maternal love. It is the love that a mother feels for her child that transforms her into a being capable of fighting the world if necessary.

When giving birth, a woman experiences fullness all by herself. It seems a lie, but the experience of motherhood makes a woman mature completely, as she has experienced the most precious gift. It is the possibility and the experience of giving life that makes her grow and, at the same time, prepares her to protect the baby that was born from her entrails.

The change that the gift of being a mother causes in women makes her prepare to face sacrifices and difficulties, moments of fatigue, efforts and joys without even thinking, in a process that contradictorily combines with tranquility, nervousness and optimism.

Being a mother is a wonderful gift in our lives.

Being a mother is a gift because motherhood makes you grow

Living the experience of motherhood makes women aware of this new maternal feeling that flows from her in an inextinguishable way. The love of a grateful mother for her gift knows no bounds.

Experiencing the gift of motherhood allows you to observe and appreciate the beauty of life, which shows itself more clearly than ever during your own child’s growing process. The daily life beside that little being is the flame that restores many hopes for the future.

There is no truer smile than that which appears on the lips of a mother who sees her child there, beside her. Never before has she felt so much happiness as now that she has a child, a little person who makes her feel, in every fiber of her body, that being a mother is a wonderful, unique gift.

From the day this woman sees herself as a mother, a journey begins. Not only does she become part of the miraculous fact of giving her life, but she also goes deeper into it, because, above all,  being a mother means taking care of the baby because its future depends, a lot, on your father and mother.

And, just like a true woman, she realizes that the wonderful gift that has been given to her brings with it an immense responsibility, which entails thousands of tasks and sacrifices, which will always be performed with the immense love that only a mother knows provide.

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