Best Age For Children To Start Using Social Media

Social media brings many benefits, but also many consequences, especially for children.
Best age for children to start using social media

At what age is it appropriate for a child to start using social media? Social networks have become a complement in the daily lives of adults. In fact, we spend many hours of the day in them.

Likewise, we are no longer surprised to see a two- or three-year-old using a cell phone, tablet, or computer. Or an eight or nine year old using social media.

The internet, and more specifically social networks, has a number of advantages for people. However, there are also a series of dangers that, in many cases, we are not aware of. So we ask ourselves: where should the limit be placed?

Next, we are going to answer all these doubts regarding this controversial issue that is the use of social networks by children.

Children on social media

According to the UNICEF study “The State of the World’s Childhood 2017: Children in a Digital World”, one in three people who surf the Internet is a minor.

In countries like Spain, data protection legislation stipulates that the minimum age to use social networks is 14 years. However, this age can be lower, as long as there is parental consent. Despite this, there is no legal regulation in this regard that determines the appropriate age.

Many parents think their children don’t have social networks because they don’t have a cell phone, computer or tablet to access.

Currently, not having an electronic device is not a problem. If your child doesn’t have it, surely one of your friends will. Creating an account on the most popular social networks takes no more than five minutes.

For all these reasons, your child will likely start using social media whenever they want, with or without permission.

The age for the child to start using social media should be 14 years old.

Recommendations for the child to start using social media

Once you are aware that this can happen, all that remains is for us to follow a series of recommendations that we will show below. In this way, the child can start using social networks following the least dangerous path possible, being aware of their use.

lead by example

We always say that children imitate everything they see. For this reason, before reprimanding the child for misuse or spending too much time on social media, parents should set an example and try not to access them in front of the child.

Explain the good and the bad

It is important that the child knows from the beginning what are the advantages that social networks have, but also the dangers they can bring.

Depending on the child’s age, you can show real case examples of young people with social media so they are truly aware of what’s behind the internet.

They should be aware of their own privacy and know that under no circumstances should they reveal it on social media.

In addition, it is important to talk to your child about never giving out personal information through these networks, as well as not accepting friend requests from strangers or engaging in conversations with strangers.

Limit the time and time when your child starts using social media

A child should not live attached to an electronic device. Therefore, it is necessary to limit its use to the time that you think is most appropriate. Many parents only allow them to use their cell phone during the weekend. Some, on the other hand, limit usage to one hour a day and others to just one day a week. The limit is whatever you decide.

Help identify harassment on social media

In addition to explaining the good and bad side of social media, you should pay special attention to the issue of harassment on social media, better known as cyberbullying . The child has to feel confident to know that if he encounters any of these situations, he should immediately tell the parents.

There is an ideal age for the child to start using social media

In short, there is no specific age for a child to start using social media. Unfortunately it is difficult to actually control the use, but we can guide her to learn to surf the internet and manage her social networks in the safest possible way.

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