Biology Games For Kids: Meet Some!

Want a better way to learn than to enjoy the work you do? Learning by playing is the option we propose today with a selection of biology games for children.
Biology Games for Kids: Meet Some!

The world of science is fascinating! It stimulates our senses and allows us to get to know the world around us better. However, awakening this curiosity in little ones is not always easy. To encourage this curiosity about science and nature, we recommend some biology games for kids.

Nat Geo  Science Games

The prestigious National Geographic magazine  , known worldwide for its distinctive yellow logo on its cover, has launched  a series of games for young lovers of biology.

The  National Geographic Society  was founded in 1988, and although the magazine’s content was varied, it was only published in English. However, over the past few years,  Nat Geo has  greatly diversified its formats and content, to bring science and history closer to audiences of all ages:

  • Green House Experiment set . It is a small greenhouse that contains both the necessary accessories and the seed bags so that you can carry out up to 12 different experiments. In addition, it includes an instruction manual for starting children in botany and indoor agriculture.
  • The actual fossil deposit includes 15 authentic fossils  that can be cataloged with the help of the guide that the set includes. Also, if the child wants to be a paleontologist for a day, it is possible to complete the collection with geodes and crystals and discover a dinosaur fossil.
  • Volcano Science. Contains everything needed to make a volcano, paint it and make it erupt. Like the previous one, it has a small guide to carry out the experiment and for everything to come out perfectly.

children scientists

  • Dig and discover insects. It’s prefect for those who don’t like to dig up fossils. It has a  small brick inside, in which three insects are hidden. As with   previous kits , it includes a learning guide, a magnifying glass and digging tools.

    Biology Games for Little Naturalists

    Charles Darwin was a famous 19th century British naturalist scientist. He became known worldwide after the publication of his book The Origin of Species, in 1859. To him we owe the  Theory of Evolution  of Species, revolutionary in its time.

    In it, Darwin claims that  every current way of life is descended from a common ancestor  and that, by natural selection, it evolved into present organisms.

    For those little house naturalists, we’ll leave a game review for beginning biologists. All of these games are designed to encourage a love of nature and serve as a support for studying the environment around us.

    The  kits  for exploring nature are classics. They include everything you need for nature adventures. Generally, they are composed of: binoculars, moth hunting, magnifying glass and compass. They are marketed by several brands and are very affordable.

    In addition, it is possible to complete the   naturalist’s kit with  real samples prepared for observation under the microscope. These samples usually include specimens of animals, plants, flowers, insects, and butterflies. Likewise, little ones can learn to prepare their own samples.

    And, obviously, for the experience to be complete, the microscope must not be missing. Of course, if the children are very young, we will have to help them deal with all this, but we can find recommended models for use from 4 years of age onwards.

    Caça mariposas

    Other Biology Game Recommendations for Kids

    Not all biology focuses on observing nature. The  analysis and investigation of the human body is also fundamental. For this, we can encourage the study of our organism with fun educational games.

    “Learning Resources” , for example, puts different resources within our reach for the study of human anatomy. Among them,  models of the brain, heart and eyes stand out. They are very realistic 3D models, with moving parts that can be put on and off. Therefore, it makes it possible to study the functioning of different organs.

    We can also find  3D drawings made of soft foam, animal and plant cells. These models are very useful for learning each part of the cell, as children can easily identify the organelles on the inner surface of these models.

    We hope you find this collection of biology games for kids useful and that you can enjoy nature as a family.

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