Cellulite After Pregnancy

Physical and hormonal changes can trigger or accentuate cellulite after pregnancy. Even so, you can fight it off with a lot of basic care.
Cellulite after pregnancy

During and after pregnancy, multiple changes occur that leave traces in women to be eliminated. One of them is cellulite. Even though it appears even before pregnancy, you can improve it. Find out how to do this in this article.

Can cellulite be removed after pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible in some cases. However, it is difficult to completely eliminate it. You can fight cellulite after childbirth in several ways.

However, you must keep in mind that it doesn’t disappear on its own, you need certain techniques and strategies to eliminate it. For the process to be successful, perseverance is essential to follow the recommendations below.

Fight cellulite with healthy eating

A good diet is essential to eliminate postpartum cellulite. In this sense, the tips below to improve eating habits will be very helpful.

You must have a balanced diet in which all nutritional groups are included. Pay special attention to fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods. Also, you need to consume enough antioxidants, as they contribute to your skin’s revitalization.

Minerals should not be lacking in your daily diet ; therefore, you should consume rice, fish, liver, cheese, avocados, and other foods that provide them.

On the other hand, it is important to reduce your salt intake; Also, include in your diet these four essential foods to get rid of cellulite:

  • Vegetables : have natural diuretic properties; therefore, they help reduce fluid retention and the fat that causes cellulite. You can eat vegetables like beans, lentils, broccoli and spinach in salads, baked or baked.
  • Lemon and orange : Vitamin C from these fruits is essential to reduce imperfections. In addition, consumption of other citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and tangerine, will also help.
  • Pineapple : Pineapple is the most suitable fruit for eliminating liquid, as it is a natural diuretic. In addition, it helps to lose weight in a short time and is anti-inflammatory; this will allow you to improve your skin’s appearance.

fight cellulite

Exercises for cellulite after pregnancy

You can do different types of exercises to eliminate fat, especially from the legs and abdomen. However, you must ensure that they are best suited for the time after delivery, whether natural or by caesarean.

Below, we’ll detail some of the best exercises to fight cellulite. Naturally, before carrying them out, you should consult your specialist doctor.

Aerobic exercises

And the XERCISES low impact but long-term burn more fat. They are indicated to eliminate cellulite. For example, walking in the morning at a considerable pace for 1 hour or jogging that improves circulation and eliminates fat and sagging.


Swimming and exercising in the water helps reduce cellulite in your legs and tones them up. In addition, cycling and performing localized exercises, such as squatting, make your legs and buttocks firmer ; that is, the parts where cellulite is most frequent after pregnancy. These exercises should be done two or three times a week.

What to avoid to reduce cellulite?

There are several habits that you must change to achieve an effective result against cellulite. Here are some of them:

  • Bad eating habits : excessive intake of saturated fats and sweets does not favor your health; on the contrary, it increases the accumulation of fat in the skin.
  • Don’t drink sodas : instead of hydrating, they will accentuate your health problems and increase cellulite. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of water a day; the ideal is to start the day by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Keep regular meal times : eat several meals a day, but don’t fill up on food; Strive to keep to each meal time without skipping any. Avoid pinching, as this increases insulin secretion and favors fat storage, thus causing cellulite.
  • Avoid taking a very hot bath : high temperatures increase circulatory problems and flaccidity.

Treatments and massages to fight cellulite

Treatments and massages to fight cellulite

There are treatments that reduce the accumulation of fat on the skin. For example, Camilina; is a method whose main component is green tea, which can be taken as an infusion or in capsules. If you are breastfeeding, you should ask a specialist if you can take it while breastfeeding.

On the other hand, you can self-massage the affected areas. Make circular motions from ankles to thighs. Before massaging, moisturize your skin with an anti-cellulite cream or oil.

Put into practice the different techniques mentioned to eliminate cellulite after pregnancy and you will have healthy skin. It is not a magical process: as we said before, you will need perseverance and patience to achieve the results.

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