Consequences Of Maternal Depression In Children

Everything in life is related. Nothing is by chance, however much we believe in luck and coincidences. In this article, see how maternal depression affects children.
Consequences of maternal depression in children

We create and manage our future with our actions, including strengths and weaknesses. And it is precisely at this last point that  we have to know that maternal depression can be devastating to our children.

It is evident that we do not choose to have depression, just as it is not our decision to be sick or not. But we can work to overcome it or learn to live with the problem. And we can do this both thinking about ourselves and about the fruit of our womb. Because we have to be strong and careful.

Our actions don’t just influence our lives. They also influence our children’s. If we want to take care of them and give our love, we have to have love for ourselves first.

Because we cannot forget that, as mothers, we are connected to our little ones by an unusual force that is unmatched in the world. This union so potent creates a huge bond, both for good and for bad.

And  if there’s one thing that has a bad impact on this relationship, it’s maternal depression. A depressed mother suffers the mental ravages of a misunderstood and painful illness. In this way, children also suffer, as they will be immersed in a world they do not understand, but in which they feel the negative effects.

maternal depression

Influences of maternal depression on children

As we said above,  the relationship and the influence of parents on their children will have a decisive impact on the child’s development. Therefore, the state of mind in which a child is raised will be of vital importance in the correct education of the child.

However, it  is normal to feel fear and panic about the birth of a child. Suddenly, a fragile creature is absolutely dependent on us. Your food, your care and your sustenance is totally in our hands.

But that is not why we should succumb to possible hostile thoughts that attack us. We have to overcome fear, overcome them and be aware that this little human being is the fruit of love. No depression or illness should be able to stop us from creating this beautiful creature, which was generated in our womb.

How maternal depression affects children

Therefore, it is necessary to be prevented. We have to be very careful about our health, both mental and physical. Especially if we want to take on the enormous responsibility of bringing a child into the world. We must know that, first of all, we must love each other. For there is no other way to sincerely love others before we love ourselves.

When we love each other, we take care of ourselves. We all take care of what we like. Therefore, our body and our mind must be priority. Because only with mental and physical health up to date will we be able to protect properly that and those who cannot protect themselves.

maternal depression

Otherwise, we can cause serious health problems for our little ones and for the people around us. For example, due to the concern we generate in our children, we create in them worlds of insecurity, weight loss, lack of self-esteem, inadequate development and even trauma, or much more serious situations that require the intervention of professionals.

maternal depression

Because maternal depression directly interferes in the life of any child. This lack of energy, vitality and affection with the child is devastating because of their undeveloped emotions.

A child needs care, safety, attention, parental references, etc. But faced with the lack of a frame of reference because of depression, the child will try to satisfy his parent rather than himself. And this is a period in which the little one must focus their energies on creating their identity, without being able to satisfy others, as this acts directly against their correct development.

Thus, the situation leaves the child in a place of total uncertainty. It can generate great inability to establish proper personal relationships.

Therefore, as mothers, we need to have enormous willpower. If we take the step of having children, our defenses and mental strength have to be great. That’s why it’s important to inform yourself, take care of yourself and be very clear about every step we take. However fearful and insecure we may feel.

That’s why we shouldn’t give in to maternal depression and other mental conditions either, even if it’s often difficult. We have to be strong, proactive and use and abuse positive thinking. If we surround ourselves with good people, great professionals and make the best of our mood, wanting to live and enjoy, nothing and no one can stop us in this life.

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