Couple Life After Having A Child

Life as a couple after having a child

There is a before and an after to the wonderful event of becoming a parent. After bringing a child into the world, life as a couple is no longer the same. Routine, priorities and tours change drastically. Definitely, life together changes impressively and often unexpectedly.

We leave behind what used to be our pastime, our hobbies. We welcome activities and entertainment that were previously unimaginable. We redefine the concept of fun. We stopped thinking about ourselves, to focus on this new being who is now part of our family.

In this article, we tell you how life continues for a couple after having a baby. You will definitely identify yourself 100%. No one is saying that when we become mothers and fathers, we win or lose, nor that everyday life becomes better or worse. There is only one reality: everything just changes and life becomes colorful.

Life as a couple before having children

Life as a couple without a baby was different, to say the least. So the time was all ours. So we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, according to our preferences. Nothing was that urgent and we could dedicate ourselves exclusively to ourselves.

couple life

Going out dancing, going to the movies, having coffee, watching movies or visiting relatives and friends. Together or apart, with our life partner, our friends or family. It made no difference, the idea was to enjoy the slow passage of time, which was simply ours.

We lived with the tranquility that if we weren’t in the mood today, we wouldn’t have to leave the house and that’s it. Everything could be postponed any way we wanted. Planned or improvised, everything was good to celebrate life with our partner. Indulge yourself, do not deprive yourself of anything, take care of yourself every day.

The life of a couple with children

With the arrival of the first child, we see changes take place in our lives. We see how we have completely lost control of what used to be our time. The priority, arguably, is no longer ourselves, but our child.

As parents, we become dependent on his needs. We realized that we analyze the weather forecast to make plans that, of course, include our child. We even consider the slightest decision regarding our little one’s state of health or mood. Our goal becomes to provide, both for us and for our child, pleasant moments.

The convenience of each place where we go becomes a fundamental, decisive factor. All destinations must be suitable and must respect safety conditions for our little ones. We provide fun with various games, in various parks and walks, as well as activities for our little ones to develop all their creative, cognitive and bodily potential. Our goal: always keep the light of that beautiful smile on.

The couple’s life necessarily changes

The return home is different. Before, when we left work tired, we just wanted to take off our shoes and lie down on the sofa to feel comfortable and peaceful. Drinking hot chocolate while watching TV series and movies until bedtime was the plan on many of our nights.

couple life

However, today I go to work and then I run to get my son from school. A cake, ice cream or any sweet treat can add color to the rigid routine. All my tiredness and sleep from before had to be replaced by the burning desire to feel the joy of this innocent and pure gift that life has given me.

Weekends with a different rhythm

Weekends and holidays are no longer the same. Now we are going to visit parks and squares and we run on the grass after our little one. Going up and down infinite times on that slide that catches his attention so much. Hide from daddy or dance to any musical rhythm wherever we are.

Singing children’s songs, watching children’s movies, telling children’s stories and tales until you get tired. Go to friends’ birthday parties, parties with clowns, magicians, colors and balloons.

When you have a child, you start living the days with a different perspective. Mother’s, father’s and children’s days and even birthday parties take on other colors. On these days, and on others as well, you discover the existence and value of family day.

Every minute counts, every second slips through our fingers. A quick shower is a three-person water revolution. And there we see ourselves wet from head to toe, having fun, when before we just asked for tranquility.

couple life

We are no longer the same

Definitely, with the arrival of our child in our lives, we are no longer the same. We change, mature, grow and learn. We understand the strength of the purest and noblest love.

We share the same bed during magical moments when our little one watches his favorite cartoons. I understand everything perfectly: there is no better investment of time. I loved my past life and today I love this new phase.

I embrace my life, this family of three and, in the future, probably a few more. Because nothing in this world compares to the happiness I feel today. I choose to be a mother and wife every day of my life. They say that a child changes a couple’s life. That is true. Today we are united and understanding, we are connected by this little love.

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