Differences Between Nanny, Babysitter And Au Pair

While all these jobs involve taking care of children, they are not quite the same thing. We’ll show you the main differences so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.
Differences between nanny, babysitter and au pair

Reconciling work and family life is an arduous task and, at times, it seems that there is a lack of time for even the most basic obligations. When we want to enjoy a free time, the solution is often to hire someone to take care of our children .

But who is nominated for this job? An  au pair,  a babysitter or a nanny?

Although we use the expressions “babysitter”, “nanny” and  “au pair”  interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Each of these professions, even though they are aimed at caring for children, have important nuances that distinguish them from each other.

Before asking for quotes,  we should know these differences to know what type of service is best suited to our needs. Even so, regardless of the qualities we look for in the person in charge of the children, we must first consider what kind of service we need.

Nanny: a regular-time maid

Nannies are hired to do their job at a pre-set time. That is, they  have a number of hours of work regulated by a contract and by the labor laws of each country. Therefore, your salary must also correspond, at least, with the legal minimum wage.

With a nanny  you can arrange a fixed time for her to carry out her duties . These will mainly consist of the care of the children, their surveillance and their distraction. But it will also  be a constant in the education of children.

In addition, a good nanny will be able to take care of babies. The ideal is to hire one that has specific training for this type of work. For example, someone who has studied early childhood education, childcare or to be a nursing assistant.

The terminus niñera and au pair no refieren al mismo type of work.

For a specific need, choose a Babysitter

Unlike nannies or  au pairsa Babysitter will work at specific times. It will be the person you call when, due to various circumstances or unforeseen circumstances, you have to go out and there is no one to leave the children with. They usually work for short periods of time, for this reason, their salary will be calculated by hours.

His job is solely to keep an eye on and distract the children . Or, if they are asleep, stay home until you return from your appointment.

Young girls are usually used to carry out this work. This is because it happens occasionally, which fits in very well with students’ schedules. Therefore,  the fundamental qualities of a Babysitter must be responsibility, trustworthy and a vocation for this job .

Au pair : help in multiple aspects

The  au pair  are foreigners, usually students . They usually seek this type of work to acquire knowledge of language and culture in a safe way.

For this reason, we must hire this service for long seasons. Generally, they will coincide with vacation periods, but many are willing to experience exchanges of up to a year in duration.

In exchange for accommodation, food and a symbolic salary, they will collaborate with household chores and child care. Since they will live in our house, as another member of the family, we will be able to ask the au pairs  for help with  whatever we need.

But pay close attention. You must remember, of course, that they are not slaves: they  need some free time and you must agree on what their obligations will be .

The au pair can come from abroad with the aim of learning about a culture in a safe environment.

Welcoming a person in this work regime raises some doubts, especially for the coexistence. But it also brings great benefits. Besides being very economical, receiving a foreigner at home offers many possibilities .

The whole family will be able to learn a new language or improve it with practice in everyday, real and everyday situations.

It is also a good opportunity to  learn about different cultures and customs.  This also has an educational dimension: children will learn to respect and value diversity.

Define our situation

As we commented at the beginning of the text, before choosing one of these services, it  is essential to specify our needs. Each family is unique and can be affected by different circumstances. Depending on them, we can decide if what we want to hire is a Babysitter, an  au pair  or a nanny.

The main difference between these professions will be how long they are working and what their roles will be, but there are many nuances to take into account.

The most delicate decision will be to choose a specific person to care for our children. Given all of this, we must make sure that you are a person prepared for the position, responsible, dedicated and in whom we can trust.

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