Ginger: The Ideal Root Against Children’s Cold

Learn about the anti-flu properties of ginger, an excellent home remedy to cure children’s colds.

Taking care of our children’s health is critical to ensuring they grow up healthy and strong. With the arrival of winter the chances that children will catch a cold are greater ; however, nature hides one of the best home remedies for these cases: ginger.

This plant has been used for many years as one of the  main cough relievers for  both adults and children .

Of course, in the case of children it never hurts to take them to a pediatrician to be examined and ask the doctor if he recommends ginger to alleviate the discomfort.

If your child has a cold, don’t wait any longer, consult a trusted pediatrician

 Doctors often prescribe over-the-counter medications on different occasions to calm the symptoms of the common cold and cough , but not everyone will have the same reaction.

In this sense, mom or dad can prepare a delicious tea with natural ingredients and a dash of love for your puppy to recover a little.  Ginger can also be paired with lemon, honey, orange, and  bishop’s weed seeds , which  are other naturally sourced products  commonly used to further help your child feel better.

Ginger-based magic recipes

Ginger-based magic recipes

Ginger is a root of oriental origin that has been used in traditional medicine for some 2,000 years. During this long period  hundreds of effective recipes were created to treat the discomfort that the cold causes in children , thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitussive and antiviral properties.

If you want to see a quick recovery in your children, be sure to prepare any of these recipes we have for you:

  • Ginger tea :


– 10 grams of the stem of this plant.

– 125 milliliters of water.

– 2 spoons of honey (to boost the immune system).


Heat the water and add the grated ginger. Afterwards, add the honey and mix until it is well diluted. Strain the mixture and you’re done! Try to give this tea before bed so that your child remains calm and quiet throughout the night.

  • Home remedy :


-6 glasses of water.

– ½ cup of thinly sliced ​​ginger.

-2 branches of cinnamon.


Place water in a small saucepan, ginger slices and cinnamon over low heat; then you will need to filter to remove the solid parts. Add honey or a little sugar (depending on your child’s age) and give him several tablespoons throughout the day.

  • Natural drink :


  • 1 lemon.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • ½ cup of grated ginger.
  • Honey.


Squeeze the lemon into the glass of water, add the ginger and place in a pot over low heat. When it comes to the boil, turn it off and strain. Leave until it gets warm. Add honey and serve just before bedtime.

Contraindications regarding ginger

Contraindications regarding ginger

Although this plant has great health benefits,  it should not be abused at any time . Children under 2 years old should not take anything that contains this root, nor citrus fruits because their digestive system is not yet mature enough to tolerate it without problems, it can even be toxic.

While the bodies of babies past that age are better prepared to drink this amazing natural remedy. In this case, what is recommended is not to exceed the indicated dose because it may cause stomach pain or complications in your digestive system.

A child under the age of two must not consume ginger

On the other hand, pregnant women  should not take any kind of natural remedy that contains ginger, because it puts their health and that of their baby at risk. If you have any discomfort caused by a cold, be sure to call the doctor who keeps a close watch on your tummy.

When we have our sickly puppy we would like to have a magic wand to take whatever is bothering him and make him well again, but don’t despair… There is nothing that a good ginger tea and a touch of mother’s love cannot cure .

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