Home Remedies For Warts

Skin care is so important that the moment we see an imperfection we immediately think like mothers. How can I solve this? What can I take or apply to the skin to remove? In this article we offer several options for you to choose the best home remedy for warts.

Our grandmothers and mothers always have the perfect home remedy to eliminate these warts that appear and cause a lot of discomfort because of:

  • Shame to have them in areas like the face or visible places
  • Discomfort by size. The bigger the nastier
  • Produce itchiness, even more when they grow on the feet
  • Ache
  • Infection or bleeding  in the wart
  • Change of color or appearance

home remedy for warts

How are warts born?

Warts usually appear as lesions on the skin that scientifically are not alarming, as long as they do not appear in intimate areas, otherwise they can be treated with dermatological treatment or home remedies, which are very effective.

They are known as the human papilloma virus, which causes the skin cells to multiply with great speed, and since then these nasty warts are formed, which often look ugly, aesthetically speaking.

Experts have scientifically proven that people who suffer from this type of virus have a weak immune system, which causes them to appear and reproduce over time. It’s good then to start by assessing the immune system and then eliminating them.

Children are very prone to warts and this can affect them physically and socially. That’s why it’s good to know how to eliminate them as soon as possible. The important thing for anyone who suffers from this virus is to be aware of forgetting about it and living with its existence in our body and  attacking it with home remedies is the best alternative.

Nature today provides so many nutrients that it will surely be easy to find many natural options to fight those nasty warts and improve your immune system.   Thus, your grandmother’s recipes can be your allies as their ingredients can be purchased easily.

Home remedy for warts

Some Home Remedies for Warts

Make a note of these home remedies to get rid of your child’s warts, or your own:

  • The lemon

Lemon juice contains antiviral and antiseptic properties  . To eliminate warts, apply the juice several times a day to the affected area. It is important that you be constant, as this way the results will be more favorable.

  • Home remedy for warts with baking soda

It contains the same properties as lemon, which is a wonder to use it for any problems with the skin, stomach and other ailments. Specifically on warts, it works  favorably.  Mix it with water or even better with some white vinegar and, when well mixed, place it on the affected area at least twice a day.

  • Apple Vinegar Home Remedy for Warts

This product can become the best ally to fight warts on the body, due to its excellent antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The surest way to use it is to dip a cotton swab in vinegar and place it on the affected area,  covering it later with a sterile gauze and leaving it until the next day. Repeat daily until you get the result.

  • Garlic is used as a home remedy for warts

It is known as the main ingredient to fight and eliminate warts. C onsumi it raw helps prevent the virus.  If you have any warts, crush the garlic, place it on the affected area and cover the area with gauze until the next day.

  • Aloe Vera A Great Home Remedy To Fight Warts

We know it for its high properties to prevent and regulate skin ailments, and warts are no exception; you must extract the juice of natural aloe vera and apply it to the wart, repeating the procedure several times a day.

  • onion juice

You just need a white onion. Leave it to soak in a bowl with salt until the next day, squeeze it, moisten a cotton ball with the juice and place it in the area.

Remember to repeat the procedure for at least 12 days, then you will have the long-awaited result. A lot of insistence and discipline!

  • Dandelion (stalk)

Another very traditional home remedy, especially for those warts that appear on the face and neck. This is your medicine! Remove the dandelion’s milky stalk and apply to the wart area daily.

Remember if!

Each of the different home remedies for warts can be very effective if treatments are consistent and disciplined.  Avoid cauterization! Enjoy the wonders of nature.

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