Homemade Ice Cream Recipes Your Kids Will Love

I believe there are few things as delicious as eating a dessert as a family. Now discover some recipes for making ice cream at home!
Homemade Ice Cream Recipes Your Kids Will Love

For me, one of the best ways to enjoy a Sunday afternoon is eating ice cream in front of the television or chatting with friends. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some homemade ice cream recipes that your kids will love. They are easy to make and delicious.

In South America, there is a very simple way to make homemade ice cream:  use the juice left over from lunch or a chocolate drink. Put the juice of your choice inside the freezer bags, tie and place in the freezer.

This is certainly the easiest way but not the only one. There are some  more sophisticated ones like the delicious recipe for preparing buttery ice creams.  The ingredients are as follows:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 and ¾ cup of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 2 cinnamon sticks

And your preparation is also easy. Bring the milk with the cinnamon to a boil. Mix egg yolks with butter and sugar. Once this is done, place the mixture in a bain-marie and add the milk little by little, without stopping mixing.

When it gets a creamy texture, remove it from the bain-marie and pass everything through a sieve to remove the lumps.

Put the ice cream in a bowl and place in the freezer. After an hour, stir the ice cream to prevent it from freezing and return to the freezer. Repeat this procedure for the first three hours.

Serve with a pie or with a chocolate icing.

homemade ice cream

ice cream with marie biscuits

To prepare this homemade ice cream recipe that will make your kids lick their fingers, we’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 pack of Maria cookies (or any other candy)
  • ¼ kg of powdered milk
  • 2 glasses of boiled water
  • ½ kg of sugar
  • Vanilla to taste.

To prepare the ice cream biscuits you will need to soak them in sugar water for 10 minutes.  Then you must blend the biscuits, milk and vanilla in a blender.

Then place in a large bowl or several small ones and put in the freezer until it is chilled. Finally, we can serve ice cream with a cookie in the center or on the sides of the bowl.

Strawberry ice cream

Strawberry ice cream is one of everyone’s favorites, to prepare it we will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of strawberries
  • 2 strawberry or natural yoghurts (better Greek)
  • 170 grams of condensed milk
 To prepare this ice cream, you must first clean the strawberries and chop them. Then add the yogurts.

Then, beat everything until it has no more pieces. Pass through the sieve so that the strawberry seeds do not remain in the ice cream. This step can be skipped if no one cares about the seeds.

Then add the condensed milk and beat again so that everything is well mixed.

Finally, place in a container covered with plastic wrap. It is important that the film is well glued to the ice cream so that when it freezes ice crystals do not form on top.

Then place the dish in the freezer for 2 hours. After that time, go back to hitting the ice cream. This process must be repeated three times. After 6 hours the ice cream will be ready.

A tip: To serve ice cream in the form of balls, it is convenient to soak in hot water every time you serve.

homemade ice cream

Chocolate ice cream

The king of ice cream, at least for me, is chocolate. I like everything about chocolate: its color, its smell, its flavor and its texture. Therefore, preparing a good chocolate ice cream is a pleasure. To do this, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 480 ml of heavy cream
  • 400 ml of condensed milk
  • 40 grams of sugar-free cocoa powder
  • A container, preferably made of stainless steel to keep the cold better.

Once you have all the ingredients, mix them all very patiently so they are free of lumps. You will see that the result will be spectacular.

The first thing to do is mix the condensed milk with the cocoa. Next is the cream, it has to be very cold, as well as the bowl and stirrers of the mixer. It would be a good idea for you to put them in the freezer an hour before you start. Put the cream that was in the fridge in the bowl and beat.

Then, add the whipped cream to the condensed milk with cocoa. To mix them, make smooth movements. It is important that they are delicate so that the cream keeps the air it has inside.

Put everything in the stainless steel bowl. If you don’t have a stainless steel container, you can put it in any other one. However, stainless steel is especially recommended for making ice cream because it keeps it cold longer.

Finally, place in freezer for at least 6 hours. To make your children enjoy it even more, add pieces of white or black chocolate to the mixture.

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