How NOT To Raise An Arrogant Child

Many think that spoiled children are born that way, but that thought is unrealistic. Spoiled children become like that, and parents are largely responsible  for it. It’s not easy being a parent, it’s necessary to make decisions all the time, which can affect our children both in the short and long term, and these are not always taken in the right way when educating our children.

There is no way you have to feel guilty if you made a wrong decision, thinking it was best for your child. You made that decision because you thought it was for the best, you thought it would be good for him. However, you have to consider the possible long-term consequences of making a decision,  with something related to your children and what it might entail in the future.

Nowadays, many children are too materialistic, and parents feel guilty because they spend too many hours at work and cannot spend much time with their children (sometimes it doesn’t matter the amount of time, but the quality), for As a result, they buy material goods for their children. Somehow, parents end up feeling better about themselves after this gesture.

But, what happens when the child develops and his behavior becomes that of a spoiled and arrogant child? In this case, parents can put their hands on their conscience, wondering what they did wrong. The solution is not found in finding the culprits, but in finding ways NOT to raise an arrogant child who knows how to value things. But how to achieve this?

How NOT to raise an arrogant child

Set aside quality time to spend with your child: no excuses

According to studies, children today have a lower capacity to recover from frustration. On the other hand, there was an increase in the level of anxiety, depression and selfishness. All of this means that children currently live in a world far from reality, thinking that material or superficial things are important, while developing within themselves a strong feeling of insecurity and emotional lack of control.

Free play is something necessary for children, that is, playing without the use of machines or new technologies. Only the presence of play and imagination. Children need to feel free to play, and they need you too. They need to spend quality time with their parents to be able to feel secure, and to create a solid foundation for their personality development. This will help them to grow up happy and to become people of integrity and balance.

It is through play that people and, above all, children learn the skills needed for life. Children learn to empathize through play, to share, to express their emotions, to control more intense feelings such as anger or anger. Play definitely helps them prepare for everyday life, a practice conducted and shaped by their parents.

You must teach your children values

Parents often abuse the “no” and punishment, thinking that this way they are educating their children well, but that doesn’t help. Children do not learn from their mistakes when subjected to these abusive techniques of power. If you want to educate your child, you must follow positive discipline, and respect his or her feelings and interests. When your child does things right, always praise him.

Values ​​are transmitted through example and affection, without fear and pressure. You must help your child to be in control of his own life, even if you are his guide. You have to put him to do things on his own, taking into account his ability to discern, and then try to convey your values ​​to him and be the best example for him.

Children who feel that they have control over their own decisions and their lives will feel more responsible for their actions, and will be able to internalize values ​​earlier and in the best way possible. If you are their guide, your child will learn not to be an arrogant person thanks to control over their own actions and also a sense of responsibility. This will help them understand the value of things, as well as gestures and people.

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