How To Choose Children’s Clothes

How to choose children's clothes

Choosing children’s clothes is an issue that can end up becoming complicated, especially when it comes to a first-time mother or if the mother only knows the basics about it.

We want children to feel free to play without restrictions; that they play with everything. However, ideally, their clothes would be kept clean so they would still look like little angels who fell from the sky.

Until the arrival of adolescence, the function of children’s clothes and shoes did not go beyond fulfilling an aesthetic function. This does not mean that we should dress our children in a bad or ugly way. They themselves know which clothes and shoes they like more or less.

Parents are often blamed for this, preferring their own vanity to the comfort of their children.

How should I choose children’s clothes?

The ergonomic function

The ergonomic function focuses on providing children with freedom of movement. Ideally, wear clothes that are easy to wear, stretchy, and have rubber braces. It is important not to wear anything too tight as it can harm the child.

The golden rules when choosing anyone’s wardrobe (from an early age) are as follows:

  • Comfort above all. You should discard any options that do not fit the child’s body, are too tight or too big on them.
  • Avoid using textile material that does not allow perspiration. This rule applies to leather, filo and other fabrics.
  • Try to maintain a balance between


    basic and special clothes. This way, you will find it easier to make combinations between them. Over time, when a child learns to dress himself, it will become much easier.

girl with sunglasses on the beach

  • It is extremely important that the shoes fit perfectly to the child’s foot. Because? Simply, because this will prevent the appearance of malformations, preventing the development of problems when walking.
  • Choose clothing according to the geographic region where you live! This is very important. We must be aware that we cannot always let our children wear any clothes in the summer if we live in a country that has the four seasons of the year. The same applies to countries that only have rainy and dry seasons; we must have different options for the different types of climate in the world.
  • do not abuse the 


    . They often end up causing discomfort, or break – unintentionally – when children play or perform some activity. In this sense, you don’t need to demand so much from the child.

The “suitable” colors

Despite social conventions, there are no colors suitable for both boys and girls. Each parent should dress their child in the colors they prefer. It could be that your son likes pink and your daughter likes blue, or that they like violet, green, or yellow.

Clothing is a good way to educate children beyond the rules – already outdated – imposed by society. One cannot forget also the benefits that color therapy brings, as wearing them in different colors will stimulate creativity and lift the children’s spirits, making them more active.

Seasonal clothes and shoes

Children must wear appropriate clothing and shoes for the season. It’s not right to dress them in nice coats and bonnets if it’s hot or to dress them in short dresses when it gets cold.

In addition, not adapting children’s clothing to the current climate can cause health problems. From common colds to complex illnesses, and it can even worsen mood and affect your mood. To


, children must wear closed shoes and, during the dry season, use sandals and open shoes. children's shoes

how to suit children

With regard to babies, it is necessary to follow a series of specific advice. The task of choosing children’s clothes when they are not so young requires some thought.

When babies are not yet a year old, it is necessary to avoid wearing large bows, as they can get caught in external elements and cause problems. And an important piece of advice is that fasteners should be easy to open, like Velcro or adhesives (also known as “magic fasteners”).

The use of knitting shoes is recommended for up to eight months of age. They should be very flexible, just like socks, as they adapt perfectly to your first steps. Buttons and zippers are completely prohibited. Coats should be loose, so that children can move freely.

Can my child choose their own outfit?

The answer is yes. Although this depends largely on two factors: your age and your personality. From the moment the child has discernment, he knows which


, fabrics, and clothing likes or dislikes.

It is always recommended that, when choosing clothes for children, we listen to what they themselves have to say.

If we don’t agree with her, instead of scolding us, the best thing  will always  be to explain to them why certain clothes or shoes cannot be used at this time. In this way, we will help them understand our reasons and have a better choice criteria.

The fact that they can express their tastes and choose their clothes helps a lot in


and in their personality development. This reinforces self-esteem and creativity, and, above all, makes them more responsible and respected by adults.

Children are an inexhaustible source of ideas. If from an early age they learn to develop them, in the future, they will not be afraid of controversy.

Even if we parents try to preserve the well-being of the little ones and want to avoid a hypothetical situation of debauchery, it may be that listening to children, from time to time,  opens our minds and ends our prejudices. We must remember that while there are basic rules when choosing children’s clothes, we can also be creative and have fun.

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