How To Convey To Children The Importance Of Art?

Conveying the importance of art to children is a way to ensure that they develop multiple intelligences at the same time.
How to convey to children the importance of art?

Art is related to the communication of feelings, ideas, emotions or the very view of the world through image, sound, language or the body itself. In this sense, it ends up being essential to convey to children the importance of art. However, how can this be done? And what are the benefits obtained from this?

Art improves children’s skills

In itself, art is an activity that human beings carry out with the purpose of transmitting or experiencing a sensation. This is reflected in a set of works that manifest different trends or styles.

Contrary to what is often believed, art is not a subject that should be approached superficially, as it constitutes a fundamental element in the education of children. In fact, teaching art paves the way for teaching values.

How to convey to children the importance of art

Teaching others art is nothing new. The ancient Greeks in their time already divided the arts into superiors and inferiors. The higher arts encompass those that put into practice the sense of sight and hearing. In the case of the lower arts, these were those that referred to the sense of smell, taste and touch.

We will show you some methods and techniques to bring your child closer to the art world. However, there are many other alternatives that you can do together.

The music

For this, you should look for a quiet place. the child can hear


to learn the meaning of the letter that composes it. Still, the child can write the lyrics of a song or compose a melody in order to express his feelings. girl playing piano

the sculpture

For that, you should also look for a quiet place. Using a vase or any other type of sculpture, it is possible to decide together with the child what he wants to represent. Then, using clay to mold, the child can be taught the technique of modeling.

The painting

It cannot be approached superficially, when conveying to children the importance of


, the use of paint. For this, you can choose a painting to analyze the feeling that the artist intends to convey through a landscape, facial expression, an object or colors. Of course, it is also important to let the child reflect through a drawing what he feels or thinks.

The architecture

Architecture also plays a key role in conveying the value of art. In this case, you can imagine with the child what the “ideal house” would be like, and then put it in a drawing.

Benefits of conveying the importance of art to children

It is known that, according to studies carried out with several American students in the second part of the basic education, those who had a close relationship with art obtained higher grades and had lower risks of school failure.

In addition, another study was conducted with children aged between five and seven who were behind in almost every subject compared to other classmates. Over the course of seven months, an extra hour of plastic arts and music classes was added. The results revealed that these children reached the same reading level as their peers and even surpassed them in



But it doesn’t end there. Conveying the importance of art to children brings many other benefits:

1. Teach children to think creatively and help solve problems.

2. It boosts your self-esteem.

3. It helps to share and reflect on themselves and the world around them.

4. Favors group work.

5. Improves your eye-hand coordination skills .

6. Facilitates the development of



Art is a means to overcome prejudices

The child is exposed to different possibilities, to discovery and freedom. In this sense, it is a tool to overcome barriers and


. Furthermore, art puts the child in contact with the remote past. girl painting

Stimulates both sides of the brain

Since art stimulates both sides of the brain, several studies suggest that children who are exposed to art get better grades in math and read better. Another benefit is that art teaches children to use their senses in the learning process. It must be taken into account that, through art, children are able to pay more attention to the physical space that surrounds them.

Painting, playing a musical instrument, drawing or singing are activities that contribute to the educational, emotional and biological development of every child. However, its benefit goes beyond, as it even satisfies a human being’s spiritual need. Through these activities, children are able to explore their surroundings, becoming aware of themselves and other people.

It is very important for the child to be able to express themselves and feel free to do so. To do this, parents must pay attention to their children’s opinions and feelings, in this case, through art. Through a painting, a sculpture or the lyrics of a song, they may be revealing something very personal.

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