How To Help Your Child Study

How to help your child to study

We all learn differently. Therefore, your child’s study techniques should stimulate, as far as possible, several of his senses. Doing homework with him will help your child study. At the same time, you can find out how he learns best and which study technique is most effective for him.

Studying is a habit that is cultivated every day in different ways, including through games. To help your child study and to make him fall in love with this habit, it’s critical to think about everything from the environment to the study tools he needs.

Today, we explain to you some strategies to help your child to study more and better.

Strategies for Studying Correctly

1. Space to study. It is very important that the child has an adequate space available for studying. Thus, it is essential that she has a table and good lighting where she can carry out her tasks properly.

2. Help to focus better. Another essential element when studying is that the child is in a quiet place and that, during study hours, he/she stays away from objects that can be important sources of distraction, such as television or video games.

3.  Set the study time. The study time of a child under 7 years old must be between 45 and 50 minutes uninterrupted. At this age, it can be difficult for her to concentrate, so it is good to encourage her learning through different activities or strategies, such as drawing mind maps or using


to be able to perform the task. From the age of 7 onwards, the ideal is to dedicate an hour or two of daily studies. mother teaching her daughter, helping her son to study

Techniques to help your child study

read along with him

Teaching your child to love reading from an early age will have numerous benefits. If he is in early childhood education, it is recommended that you are the person who reads stories so that he becomes familiar with the books. When you start elementary education and already know how to read correctly, you can help him develop the technique of


comprehensive, prioritizing memorization over the mere understanding of what was read.

Reading can be accompanied by activities such as looking up the words your child does not know in the dictionary, underlining them or summarizing the most important data.

make summaries

After reading a topic well and understanding it, it is necessary to synthesize the ideas and order them. A good way to organize the fundamental concepts in our mind is to learn to express them through the use of the technique of


. Many experts agree that summaries help us differentiate what is really important and learn to synthesize what has been read in a few words.

Teaching your child to write good summaries is giving him a good tool that he will be able to use throughout his academic life.

The underline technique

It doesn’t matter if your child is one of those who do


in class or for those who prefer to summarize ideas in their own words before studying, it is essential that they learn to underline correctly. Learning to highlight the main ideas of a text is not always an easy task. Therefore, in the beginning it should be you who will help to distinguish between what is relevant and what is not.

Remember that it’s no use having your child underline his notes if he doesn’t learn this technique.

mother reading to her children, helping her child to study

Make notes

Writing down the main ideas of a topic requires the child to exercise their attention and put their synthesis capacity into practice. Rereading your own notes will help you remember lessons and memorize the most important points of each topic.

In addition, taking notes in a notebook helps children to develop their imagination and can make lists of words, give titles to epigraphs or classify themes according to their own criteria, in order to favor their memorability. All of this will make studying a simple and palatable task for him.

prepare for an exam

When your child tells you he has a test, don’t let him study at the last minute. It’s good that you talk to the teacher and find out about the type of assessment that will take place. Thus, you will be able to help your child to prepare in the best way possible.

If he studies a little bit every day and reinforces his knowledge a few days before the test, he will feel confident that he knows the subject.

In conclusion, it is important that you remind him that the first thing he should do is read and understand the questions well. After that, he should start answering the ones that are the easiest and the ones he feels most secure. Finally, it is essential that you reread the test and review it before handing it to the person applying.

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