How To Manage Mood Swings During Pregnancy?

Mood swings during pregnancy are a recurrent symptom in most women who are in this state. You shouldn’t worry, as you’re not the only one going through this experience that is part of the process of being a mother.
How to manage mood swings during pregnancy?

While it usually can’t be avoided, there are ways to control these changes by changing the way you feel about yourself and others.

What are the causes of mood swings during pregnancy?

The causes can be physical or psychological . First, the physical include aspects such as stress, fatigue, changes in metabolism and the action of estrogen and progesterone.

On the other hand, hormonal concentration can affect the level of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that circulate in the brain and are responsible for regulating temperament.

Mood swings usually appear during the first trimester of pregnancy, between the sixth and tenth week, and may reappear in the third trimester when the body begins to prepare to give birth.

Practical recommendations for controlling mood swings in pregnancy

mood swings

  • Maintain a restorative sleep routine so your mind and body are relaxed
  • Do some physical activity that is not high impact. In addition to releasing the stress and anxiety that arise during pregnancy, your muscles will be in better condition at the time of delivery.
  • Have a balanced diet that is adequate for your nutritional needs and your baby’s.
  • If you have a partner, spend time with them. Unity and mutual support are key to overcoming mood swings during pregnancy.
  • Do something that creates a sense of well-being. The worries about the birth preparations and so many changes in your lifestyle can lead you to lose the time you dedicated to entertainment and activities that you love . Take a nap, go for a walk, get a massage or spend time with your friends. All of this will help improve your mood.
  • Talk about your concerns. Don’t immerse yourself in your own thoughts; share them with people you trust, opening the game about all the fears and situations that cause you anxiety . People who care about you will understand your situation and will find a word of encouragement you need.

What sensations can you experience during pregnancy?

Fear. The risk of a miscarriage, of doing something that could affect the baby’s health, the pain of childbirth, and the constant doubt about whether or not we will be a good mother are the most frequent fears a woman has when facing pregnancy.

Anxiety. Biologically, it is quite likely that feelings of fear and anxiety arise during pregnancy. The reason this happens is that the body creates a defense mechanism to ensure that the baby will be kept safe.

Lack of memory. Memory loss lapses are quite common in pregnancy .  The hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain in charge of memory, changes its functioning during pregnancy. So you can forget about certain things in the short term.

Problems with body image. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, bodily changes are quite evident, a circumstance that makes the woman look different when she sees herself in the mirror. In fact, it’s normal that at some point during this stage you feel less attractive and worried if you’ll regain your shape after giving birth.

mood swings

When to seek professional help?

If the changes in behavior are present for more than two weeks and do not seem to improve, you may need some additional help from a professional in the field . Many women around the world experience depression during pregnancy. Thus, it is important to identify the signs and treat them in time.

Some of the signs of   gestational depression are:

  • Recurrent anxiety and a considerable increase in irritability
  • Severe changes in sleep cycles
  • Drastic changes in the way you eat
  • Inability to concentrate on an activity for an extended period of time
  • short term memory loss

If one or more of these symptoms lasts for a long time, see a professional as soon as possible. Don’t miss the opportunity to quietly enjoy one of the best experiences a woman can have.

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