How To Teach Your Child To Defend Themselves?

How to teach your child to defend themselves?

Have you ever talked about trying to make your child understand that not all the people or children around you are totally good? Your child grows up and, little by little, he will realize for himself that there really are cruel people. Have you ever taught your child to defend himself against this type of person?

Our society helped to develop different patterns of behavior, a space in which good and bad patterns coexist on a daily basis. For this reason, every child should learn as much as possible to differentiate which people bring them well-being and which don’t. That way, he’ll avoid attracting only troubled people who don’t bring him anything positive.

Watch! Defense without violence

When we analyze the behavior of children in an argument or fight, we often confuse defense with violence. These two concepts have nothing to do with each other. When the child feels abused, whether physical or


, she has every right to react in defense of her integrity and dignity.

Getting to the point where the only way to communicate is through violence is under no circumstances justified. However, it often happens among boys. We should not forget that, just as with adults, tensions, disputes and fights also occur among children, and this type of situation can have repercussions on


your son’s.

We often confuse defense with violence and these two concepts are completely different from each other. Violence means acting in a way that harms the other. While the defense consists in preventing another individual from attacking us.

children fighting over a stuffed animal

The first, then, is an attitude that seeks to hurt the other. While the second, that is, defense, seeks to preserve one’s own well-being without necessarily aiming to hurt the other.

To keep your child from having difficulty communicating with others, remember to teach basic values. Teach, above all, that violence must not take the space of defense.

How to teach your child to defend themselves

1. Encourage him to try to understand the other person’s motives and see things objectively. This way, you prevent him from victimizing himself. Remember, this is a good exercise that helps teach them how to manage conflict properly.

2. Let him know that the offenses of others are unimportant when they are not true. The most important thing is to have confidence in yourself. In addition to not giving power to what anyone says about us or our actions.

3. Prevent your child from reproducing the same cruelty he receives. This is not the way to be respected, much less to be able to establish healthy bonds.

4. Make him know very clearly that violence is never the solution. It’s easy to beat, but there are consequences. Avoid encouraging bullying and aggressive behavior, as this only contributes to inculcating wrong values ​​in his head.

5. Under no circumstances encourage your child to

to run away

. However, you can teach to avoid as much as possible giving reasons to fight.

6. Allow your child to express his feelings and emotions freely so that he does not feel judged. It is very important that you listen to him and respond, this will help you to unburden yourself and release tension. In addition, we will establish a bond of superior trust if we allow you to express yourself and share with us what bothers you.

There is often a tendency to give very little importance to what children are explaining or what is affecting them; we must remember that for her the problem is much more important and sizeable. Therefore, you must listen carefully to be able to advise her in the best way.

children playing volleyball

teaching how to defend yourself is growing

If your child defends himself, but a cruel child still manages to intimidate him, teach him that in these cases, he will have to seek the help of an adult to be able to resolve the fight and apply the necessary correctives . Under no circumstances let your child be physically assaulted.

Also, when the situation calls for the intervention of an adult, you’ll have to take into account that if we treat this cruel child with respect and kindness, we’ll be able to make her understand why she shouldn’t keep bothering others as a way of feeling better with herself.

For the cruel child, just being treated kindly will make him wonder what is going on. It will also put a brake on your negative behavior.

In addition, it will be the first time that she will be called attention to realize that cruelty is a wrong way of attracting attention, in addition to revealing a lack of control, and even a

lack of affection


Many parents choose to enroll their children in extracurricular sports activities to help the little ones develop the necessary strength to face certain threats, as in the case of bullying .

The martial arts are usually the most chosen, but we must remember that there are also activities with which it is possible to learn to defend oneself without any violence. These would be sports activities such as: volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, etc.

Because? Because all of these sports have both “attack” and “defence” strategies that help children better manage conflict.

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