I Made A Wish And You Came True

I made a wish and you came true

Having a child is much more than a wish, more than a hope, and even the always discussed ideal of a woman’s fulfillment. Having a new life in our arms is putting a life project on our horizon, having a heart out of the body, and enjoying this perfect creature at all times.

Frequently, in the scientific and psychological studies world, the theme of why a woman wants to be a mother is approached. We could say, without a doubt, that such a desire is personal, something intimate and sometimes inexplicable. However, scientists, always wanting to isolate variables, tell us that it is almost always due to three reasons.

The first is to consolidate the bond with the partner, creating a common project, a life project. The second is to realize yourself as a woman. The third, and a little more transcendental, is finding a meaning for one’s existence by being part of the most beautiful project, that of being a mother or father.

We may be in agreement with some of these factors. However, what we can no doubt agree on is that “there is something that goes beyond” all of this. Because the desire to have a child is sometimes not shared by the partner. There are different views and situations.

There are times, even, that this baby arrives unexpectedly and becomes, without a doubt, the best that could have happened. Having a child goes far beyond mere desire. We propose that you reflect on this.

I made a wish that took a while to come true, but I finally have you by my side


There are children who have been long and patiently desired. Dreamed creatures that take a while to arrive, mothers who cannot get pregnant, people who dream of becoming fathers and families who have gone through several frustrating attempts, until… The miracle happens and the desire takes shape.

Whether individually or as a couple, there are people who want to have children, but are waiting for the most suitable time. That moment when the emotional and the economic combine and provide that magical moment. However, just when the perfect time comes, they discover that it’s not possible, that the tests always come back negative, and that pregnancy doesn’t happen. It is at this point, when there is no other option but to seek help, that one tries to resort to assisted reproduction techniques.

In turn, something that is not always talked about is the psychological and emotional “neura” to which moms and their partners are subjected. Stress, hopes, expectations and frustrations sometimes create a situation that makes the process even more difficult. These are very complex situations, marked by a strong desire to become parents and which, in most cases, ends in success.

The “imaginary child” that lives in us


This beautiful painting, painted by Henry James Draper in the late 19th century, represents the magical moment when a nymph sees her wish to be a mother fulfilled. The author himself explained that he imagined the young woman walking sadly along a beach until, suddenly, on a rocky headland, she saw a large shell wrapped in seaweed.

Without thinking twice, she tugs at the algae and immediately the shell opens, revealing a rosy baby, perfect and sweet, deep in a peaceful sleep. The nymph, then, thanks the sea and takes the little one in her arms.

This same dream with the arrival of a child and motherhood is always accompanied by the mental practice of the “imaginary child”. Far from seeing this emotional and psychological image as inappropriate, the truth is that it can be extremely beneficial as long as you keep the perspective of logic and realism.

  • It is not a question, for example, of attributing to this dreamed child virtues of beauty and intelligence, of endowing him with characteristics in our minds such as obedience, academic success or an always affectionate and docile personality.
  • The ideal is to dream of being happy in the company of this child. This little one doesn’t have to be a lawyer, pianist or football player. He’ll be whatever he wants . We give shape, in our mind, to a little one that tomorrow will be able to achieve what is proposed, we imagine ourselves educating, helping, being a hand always outstretched and a constant light in all phases of life through which they will go. .

To conclude, the desire to be a mother or father undoubtedly responds to multiple reasons that cannot be analyzed in the laboratory. It is simply the urge to complete our lives, to offer the world a happy and free creature that we will give wings to fly and provide roots to remember where it comes from and who will love it forever.

Desires are first dreamed of and later savored when they come true. Enjoy each day with your little treasure…

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