In Childhood You Also Reap What You Sow

In childhood you also reap what you sow

In childhood, as throughout life, you also reap what you sow. That’s why you need to be careful with the words spoken and the attitudes taken while you are raising your children. Because tomorrow could be too late, and the consequences could be devastating.

How to harvest what you sowed?

“Everything comes back” , says the old and well-known popular saying. With children’s childhood, this maxim also applies perfectly. It’s just that, without a doubt, whatever you give, sooner or later comes back to you. So if what you gave was love, you will reap love. 

So if you lose focus on what’s essential in your life, that is, caring for your child, you may regret it in the future. Hopelessly, time never returns. Therefore, motherhood or fatherhood is simply about enjoying the here and now.

No matter the housework or professional setbacks. Children don’t understand obligations. They simply need our time and dedication. Especially our love. Take a few minutes to dedicate your time to what’s really important, and a lot. For the past cannot be repaired.

In childhood you also reap what you sow

The rejection of children

It’s true that sometimes you can come home exhausted, very tired. However, many fathers or mothers let this tiredness get the better of them. This hurts the most intense and beautiful of relationships, hurting a unique and sacred bond: the one you have with your child.

Others go even further, allowing themselves to be absorbed by their work at home. The child finds them busy, engrossed in calculations and manual notes, or even on their computer. But what is most beautiful and expected by any child is missing: the shared moment.

“Not now, son”,  repeat many parents who are even focused on trifles. In the era of new information and communication technologies, they paradoxically lose the ability to communicate with their children.

This is how parents suddenly become addicted to cell phones or even respond only to the power of television. Meanwhile, the child just asks for time, attention, dedication, protection and lots of love. Something that is usually denied for various reasons, without thinking about the result that will come in the future.

“Son, don’t bother me anymore” , says that mother as she methodically organizes the house or that parents who wash their car. At your side, your child is just waiting for a conversation full of good advice or a moment of leisure with his parents, the greatest legacy for a child.

From your child’s adolescence onwards: you plant what you reap

In childhood you also reap what you sow

At this point in life when your child begins to show a rebellious character, and when your body begins to experience changes, there will come a time when this irremediable past will hurt. In a sharp answer, or when your child returns some of your childhood phrases or attitudes, you will understand everything.

“Not now, Mom ”, “ Don’t bother me, Dad ”. In a present unable to modify old mistakes, it hurts. However, deep down you know that you wasted good times and used children’s anecdotes. It is here that you clearly realize that you actually reap what you sow.

Over the years, puberty’s character, attitudes, and other signs may change. However, this harvest will remain so that you will remember what you sowed. It’s time to meet new people for life. To bond, and maybe, tomorrow, to build a family. 

In this never-too-distant future, you can’t help but regret those unfortunate choices or mistakes of the past. They say that time is man’s enemy, but this can be avoided by acting on what we love. And what is that which can be more loved by ourselves than our own children, and our family?

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