Learn All About Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

Meconium has a sticky texture with a green color and is somewhat dense. Get to know everything about meconium aspiration syndrome in this post.
Know all about meconium aspiration syndrome

The baby’s first stool is known as meconium that is passed out of the body. This occurs shortly after birth and before starting breast milk or formula.

It is important to rule out the possibility that the fact that the baby is premature is associated with this syndrome. On the contrary, it is less frequent in babies under 34 weeks.

There are some predispositions that can affect your baby’s aspirating meconium. Among them we can mention, for example:

  • If fetal distress is presented. This usually occurs if there are multiple infections during pregnancy.
  • Because of the complications that can occur during childbirth
  • the woman’s age
  • If you have a smoking habit
  • If the mother has diabetes
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Complications generated by the umbilical cord
  • Placenta previa

Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms and signs that may be visible and will give us samples that the baby has aspirated meconium may be:

  • Greenish-looking stains in the amniotic fluid.
  • Bluish colored skin, which is scientifically known as cyanosis.
  • Respiratory failure. The baby struggles to breathe normally.
  • In other cases, breathing is accelerated, which can cause respiratory arrest.
  • At birth, you may notice a flaccidity in the baby’s body. This is one of the most visible signs of whether the baby has inhaled meconium.
  • Heartbeat anomaly.

How the meconium aspiration process takes place

Meconium aspiration syndrome can happen during or after childbirth. It occurs when the baby aspirates feces expelled in the mother’s uterus and part of the amniotic fluid, causing respiratory complications.

If the baby aspirates meconium, it will probably be born with irritation problems in the airways. These problems can be presented in different ways, for example:

  • Your lung tissues are not mature enough to receive a chemical irritation.
  • Due to its sticky and dense characteristics, stool often causes obstruction of the airways. In this way, it prevents the baby from being born with the same breath as a newborn that has not aspirated meconium.
  • Depending on how much fluid and stool you have inhaled, the meconium will reach your lungs.

This syndrome is scientifically documented because it has occurred to many newborns. It is considered a natural syndrome that has its risks, but there is treatment and in most cases it does not mean fatal consequences.

meconium aspiration syndrome

how is the treatment

The treatment schedule will depend on the baby’s scenario and situation at the time of aspiration. It can happen in different cases such as:

  • A baby who has inhaled meconium but has not been exposed to constant infections during the gestation process will not have such a severe syndrome and treatment may be easier. That’s because a healthy baby can overcome any airway condition.
  • When the pregnancy is past 42 weeks and the baby inhales your stool, the risk is greater. This is because it can affect the lungs more aggressively and recovery can be prolonged.

    The success of treatment and improvement in the patient’s condition will depend on their response and the degree of respiratory complications.

    Although it is almost impossible to prevent meconium aspiration, as it is an event that cannot be controlled or predicted, there are recommendations for mothers regarding care during pregnancy:

    • Do not overstimulate the baby.
    • Take the necessary precautions to prevent urinary infections. It is known that when a woman is pregnant, she often suffers from this type of infection. So, the most important thing is to identify in time and take the proper medications.

    Babies have the ability to manifest themselves in different ways in face of the possible changes that can occur inside the uterus. Therefore, it is recommended not to miss monthly exams. In case of any discomfort, always consult a doctor to prevent this type of occurrence.

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