Massage In Pregnancy: Care And Precautions – I’m A Mom

Massage during pregnancy brings a lot of well-being to the expectant mother. Here we will inform you about the precautions and precautions that must be taken into account when performing them.
Massages in pregnancy: care and precautions

Massage during pregnancy is one of the most used manual techniques to relieve pain and discomfort related to this period. In addition to providing numerous benefits, such as improving blood and lymph circulation, it brings well-being and relaxation to the recipient. However, there are some cautions and precautions that should be taken into account.

Manual techniques are among the oldest therapeutic tools used to reduce muscle discomfort throughout human history. Massage is a simple manipulation to be learned and that can bring great results for the maternal well-being. It must be done with awareness, considering that this practice will have multiple effects for both the mother and the baby.

During the prenatal period, it can be performed with several objectives, such as reducing back pain, alleviating tired legs, improving pelvic mobility or promoting rest, among others. It can be done by a therapist or companion, or the mother-to-be can do a self-massage.

It is necessary to take into account that pregnancy is a physiological process in which great physical changes occur : the center of gravity shifts, the lumbar and abdominal muscles are increasingly required as the baby grows, certain hormones increase, which leads to to greater flexibility of ligaments and joints. It is very common for pregnant women to experience discomfort in various regions of the body.

Therefore, when performing the massage, we must take the precautions and precautions we will present below.

Woman getting massage during pregnancy.

Stages of pregnancy

During the prenatal period we can group physical and emotional changes into 3 trimesters. Each with its own characteristics. It is the first precaution we must take when performing massages during pregnancy.

first trimester

During this period, it is not recommended to massage the middle and lower back. It is a phase in which the fetus is forming and implanting and requires a lot of blood consumption from the mother. Therefore, in the case of performing massages at this stage, the neck region is the safest.

Second Trimester for Pregnancy Massage

From the beginning of the second trimester, you can massage the entire back region. At this point in pregnancy, the abs lose strength to allow the uterus to grow. The lower back begins to feel uncomfortable, becoming more and more rigid as the belly grows.

Third quarter

It is the phase in which the woman feels more discomfort due to the baby’s weight, which is already close to what it will have at birth. The regions that will be massaged should be restricted to the lower back. In the legs, circulation begins to be affected and increased fluid retention can be seen in most pregnant women. Care during this period should be focused on the technique and posture to be used.

Technique to use in pregnancy massage

Massage can be done with different techniques, depending on the objective that is sought with it. In the second and third trimesters, all relaxing massage techniques can be applied, taking care to moderate the intensity. Of course, we must always respect the limits of painlessness.

Posture for massage during pregnancy

It is recommended to start massaging the pregnant woman after the fourth month of pregnancy. At this point, the belly is already more noticeable, so lying on your stomach is not a safe and comfortable option for the mother. Here are some of the recommended postures:

  • Lying on its side : it is the most suitable option for massaging the mother-to-be, if you do not have a specific stretcher. Preferably, you should lie down on your left side, adapting the position with pillows under your head and between your knees. In some cases, a small pillow under the abdomen can also help.
  • On the massage table : there are specific tables on the market for performing massages during pregnancy, allowing a comfortable position for both women and those who practice the technique. They are very useful for treating the lower back, which is so affected by the weight of the belly.
  • Sitting : it is a good option for working the upper back, shoulders and neck. However, among all possible postures, it is the one that least allows access to the lumbar region, the most compromised in the last months of prenatal care. Extra pillows can be used to improve rest.
  • Lying on your back : This posture can be useful for performing leg drainage massages or facial massages. However, it is the least used, as keeping the position completely horizontal for a long time can affect fetal oxygenation. Also, after a few minutes in this position, the mother may have difficulty breathing.
    Mulher grávida recebendo uma massagem lombar.

    prenatal wellness

    The maternal body undergoes numerous simultaneous changes during pregnancy, with characteristics specific to each woman, but with similar aspects in many of them. Lower back discomfort, leg fatigue, or shoulder pain are usually the most common.

    Performing massage during pregnancy as a therapeutic tool provides great relief to women at every stage, especially in the last few months. It is recommended to find the most appropriate technique and posture, taking into account the particularities of each mother.

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