Meditate: The New Way To Discipline Rebellious Children

Meditation is not just useful for adults, rebellious children can benefit from this habit. Find out how you can build this habit into your children’s routine and know what results to expect.
Meditate: the new way to discipline rebellious children

This is a dilemma that worries hundreds of mothers and fathers who have a rebellious child at home: the struggle between screams of rigor to show strength or the permissiveness with which children continue to play their mischief are not the only alternatives. See why meditating is the best option.

There will be no lack of unbelievers to support the idea that, when it comes to children who do not want to follow the rules, the ideal is for parents to impose themselves and make the little one understand who is in charge of the house. But we must warn that, in some cases, this excessive character with which children are treated can have a negative result in their behavior.

What does that mean? It means that there is a possibility that screams, prohibitions, punishments and spankings can generate some inferiority complexes in children. They can even reinforce a certain rudeness in the character of the child who, when feeling disadvantaged, will seek to defend himself as Mom and Dad taught. That is: the hard way and by force.

Before explaining the benefits of meditation to children, it is worth asking ourselves as adults: is there any logic that advocates that parents abuse their children physically or verbally? What is the image we are offering our children? We can lose control but they can’t? Can violence be fought more violently?

Each, from their perspective, will find the answers to each of these questions. And the truth is, the topic of how to most effectively discipline children involves endless hours of conversation, but what we can offer here is a new direction to guide your child.

What is a rebellious child?

Child meditating outdoors.

Of course, parents can make a long list to define the rebelliousness of the little ones. They don’t obey, refuse to do their homework, don’t want to help with household chores, have daily tantrums, yell or bite when scolded.

All this is accompanied by a long etc. that has no end. But what deserves our full attention is an aspect that we cannot ignore: we are talking about children. Future women and future men in training and yes, it is our responsibility to train them well.

Advantages of Meditation

Meditation is an effective way to calm your mood and get your emotions flowing properly.

If this practice is good for adults, imagine all the advantages it entails for our children: emotional intelligence, it allows tranquility of body and mind and, if that weren’t enough, it increases school performance, as it speeds up memory and optimizes concentration .

Tips for including meditation in children’s routines

Boy meditating outdoors.

Here are some tips to include the possibility of meditating in your children’s routine:

  • You can’t tell your child about stress levels, endorphin releases, or anxiety disorders, because he just won’t understand. Also don’t try to say that meditation will put your mind in order, because it will find it a tedious subject.
  • The best way to start at home, if you don’t want to hire a relaxation and meditation specialist, is to set aside protocol and invite all family members to participate.
  • Turn off all devices that can distract you from your goal: televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones. And choose a place where you can be comfortable, like the living room, the garden or a terrace.
  • The idea is for mom, dad and children to sit on the floor and try to create a dynamic to meditate. For starters, you can invite the little ones to close their eyes and reminisce about a moment they all shared together, like their last vacation.
  • Then you can encourage them to breathe in a coordinated way, synchronizing each other’s inhalations and exhalations.
  • Children can start with 15 or 20 minutes of meditation twice a week.
  • When you find that your child is comfortable meditating, allow him to occupy his mind without your guidance. Let his imagination set the pace and feel he owns that moment. For this, it is essential that you do not interrupt it.

With all of this in mind, you should be aware that when you try to get your child to start meditating, you don’t lose anything, but you can gain a lot. The benefits are mainly for the child, who will learn to take advantage of the opportunity to have a moment to themselves, away from the dizzying world that surrounds them.

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