Mom Doesn’t Have A Vacation

mother doesn't have vacation

After children are born, a mother doesn’t have a vacation. She has other priorities in her life. Gone are those rest-free days. In those days gone by, if you didn’t want to do anything, you just didn’t do it. He could go to a party and have fun without worry. That was before, now being a mother involves a lot of responsibilities.

Little by little, or even all at once, you start to put aside your tours and vacations. You end up putting it all in the background. Being able to get up at noon was the most divine thing you could do. Staying at home to be able to watch movies on the couch without having to make dinner is a time that is behind us.

Although most women grow up wanting to form a family, being a mother means leaving behind many things. From now on you will not be able to do everything you want because you will be too busy taking care of your child. However, being always attentive to your child, caring for, protecting and playing with him is to enjoy life to the full.

mother doesn't have vacation

The responsibilities a mother has are many, but most are fulfilled with love. A mother doesn’t go on vacation because it’s impossible to stop doing what she loves: taking care of her family. It’s not the case that she stays at home while the others go out for a walk, she doesn’t show it.

When the kids are at school you can get some rest. But actually it’s not like that, you’re used to doing household chores. Other times you’ll be so used to it that you’ll do it anyway so you don’t get bored . Being constantly on the move during the day is what keeps you active.

If you’re not doing anything, you’re certainly looking for a way to get busy so you can distract yourself. In this case, you just seem to pass the time while it’s time to pick up your kids from school. A mother can say that there is no rest if she doesn’t have her little one in sight.

Mom doesn’t have vacations: her moments of rest are different

As mothers, vacations cease to exist. Strolling the baby to sleep are things you will do for a long time. We cannot be relaxed, we are always tense. Sleeping hours will not be compatible. The mother doesn’t go out in the outdoor photos, she takes it, or else she’ll be busy preparing a snack. At leisure, the mother’s routine is more or less like this:

  • Activities increase at home on weekends, when the kids don’t have classes.
  • You wake up early the same way to make breakfast.
  • The tours will be tiring for you, but you will still enjoy the company of your family.
  • Trips become flat and don’t get off the ground until the kids finish school.

And we’re still asked “why don’t we relax even when we’re on vacation?” During the holidays we worry about many other things. Days are longer because children are at home most of the time.

Mom doesn’t have a vacation, even though she’s at the beach, we’ll be worried and we’ll be careful if the kids fall into the water. We are afraid that they will drown or spend too much time in the sun. We often accompany them to avoid any type of accident or that they eat sand while playing.

The only time we can relax a little is when we receive a visit from our mother and/or sisters. At this moment, they are the ones who are watching the children and distracting them while we can rest on the sofa and talk, having a pleasant time. However, not all of us can say that this moment happens frequently. In fact, for some it may never happen.

Mom never has a vacation and still manages to be happy!

Undoubtedly, vacations can exist after your children become independent. However, there will always be something that your children will need your help with in some way. You will always look for them just to see if they are all right, if they ate, if they did their homework. A mother’s work is never done, we don’t have a vacation just when there is a vacation.

We are mothers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without the right to holidays. But yes, it’s well rewarded with your kids’ smiles and drool kisses. Lots of games in which the whole family can participate and have fun, it’s a good choice on vacation. Being a mother is the fullest dedication there is!

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