More Cheerful Mothers Have More Active Babies

The feeling of happiness and satisfaction in face of different situations is convenient in the different stages of motherhood.
happier mothers have more active babies

The happier mothers can achieve better benefits for themselves and their babies, which is very productive throughout. Joy can be described as one of the noblest feelings a person can have.

It is very common for a person with a positive attitude and a smiling countenance to be able to convey this with their entire body. Illuminated eyes are synonymous with joy, well-being and happiness.

This feeling makes you feel a lot of energy in your body and makes you willing to do things in a more positive way.

During pregnancy, it is very important that the mother is surrounded by positive things, that she can relate to people who bring her joy.

It is a great attitude for the development of the fetus and for the well-being of the pregnant woman. Joy is very important in the quality of life of mothers and also for them to carry on a successful pregnancy.

A group of Japanese researchers proved that joy in mothers certainly has an effect on pregnancy.

As long as the mother is happy and happy, she will influence the baby’s evolution. This can be seen in their growth and through authentic behaviors in the baby.

How to be happier moms?


Joy is an emotion that comes from within. Therefore, we cannot force ourselves to feel it. However, there are many things we can do to try to be happy.

It is normal during pregnancy to feel many opposite emotions. But it is our duty to seek balance and peace. Knowing that our children will benefit or harm themselves with our emotions is all the more reason to try to be happier.

To help moms feel happier, we’ll give you some advice below.

Listen to music

Through music, a special stimulus is created in the baby that is very impressive. The effects of music can be registered both physically and emotionally within it.

From the 20th week onwards, the baby can already hear, which allows him to be infected with emotions. He is able to capture his mother’s mood, which, for example, listening to her favorite melody will improve her attitude.

Laugh a lot

Endorphins are hormones produced when we feel happy. To increase the production of these hormones, laughter is very helpful. Laughing a lot causes less stress. In addition, it improves defenses and tones the muscles, which favors the mother’s physical condition.

Some pregnant women can practice a very easy method with their partner: laughter therapy. It is a very rewarding experience, which also allows the couple to communicate through laughter. This bond is immediately transmitted to the fetus, causing positive effects.

Watch movies

One of the things you should be aware of is that whatever you receive, your baby will also receive.

Therefore, it’s important that you only watch movies that benefit you, that don’t alter you or scare you. Watching a fun movie will make you laugh and can lift your mood.


Read books

During the gestation period, reading books causes positive feelings in the fetus. Feeling well-being, protection and affection are some of the things that can be transmitted when reading to your baby.

In addition, it helps in his evolution in the womb, because when he frequently hears the voices of his parents, he can recognize them. For the mother, the fact that she can have precious time to read and enjoy her favorite stories provides well-being.

Eat chocolate

According to a survey by the Finnish University of Helsinki, the consumption of chocolate reduces the negative effects on pregnancy. It was found that pregnant women who ate chocolate had much more active and smiling babies.

It is very common for some women to eat chocolates during pregnancy, perhaps because of anxiety or cravings. What they don’t know is that it has a positive effect on the baby.

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