Motherhood Can Change Your Emotions

Motherhood can change you in many ways, so it is also capable of changing your emotions.
Motherhood can change your emotions

The arrival of our first baby can bring out feelings never felt before  because it is unlike any other emotion we have experienced before; it is also about a permanent change in our lives.

It is understood that the maternal brain has many variations from the brain of other people. Therefore, it involves a series of actions and feelings different from the rest of humanity. However, when we talk about emotions, not all of them are positive, nor are they consistent in most people.

Motherhood can change our emotions, for better or worse. We can speak of an affective bond that is impossible to dissolve, but which is different for each person. Since pregnancy, an emotional change is experienced, in principle attributed to hormonal changes, but which soon becomes an instinctual reflex that we know is not entirely verifiable.

Either way, it is a fact that we change emotionally when we become mothers. Positive emotions will make us happier and will underpin most beliefs about motherhood. In turn, the denials will justify the origin of certain postpartum psychological disorders.

change your emotions

Since pregnancy, maternity has been a revolutionary process that can baffle any woman, especially in the case of first-time mothers. As with physical change, a comprehensive transformation is produced that makes us unaware of ourselves.

For these reasons motherhood can change your emotions

Once the baby is born, life continues to change, as do emotions. Every action causes us to change our perception of the world and feelings revolutionize our mind completely; without planning, the new sensations make us change for the following reasons:

  • The responsibility is no longer the same. These are not tasks that can wait, but the life of a very important being. We automatically become the person on whom that little part of us depends; something that makes us happy and that, for the most part, is beyond us.
  • Fills you with positive feelings. You want to share everything with the baby. You put aside your personal plans and aspirations, think differently about the future, and are filled with tenderness. In short, your heart softens.
  • It strengthens you as a person, because you can overcome most obstacles. Fears disappear and you push your body to the limit: stop sleeping and eating as before.
  • A certain primitive instinct emerges, able to help guide you through the baby’s sleep, identify some odors and appreciations derived from the information provided by the senses.
  • You have a new motivation. Now love is the strength that allows you to be more persevering. Somehow, you are filled with statements that make you fight, defend and get what you propose.
  • A new kind of emotional bond was born in you. A bond that didn’t connect you equally with your family or with your partner; without knowing it, you become a new person. A person who lives and acts unconditionally for someone who is not himself.
  • Many fears disappear and we never feel alone again. Firstly, this is due to the baby’s company, physically present every day of the year; but then overwhelmed by love and faith to see him again.
  • We become more patient, less selfish and more motivated, whatever the situation. We won’t mind staying awake, waking up startled, or rushing to the rescue effortlessly.

    negative emotions

    Although most of the emotions that change are related to the positive aspect, experts consider that there are many negative emotions that affect mothers from the gestation process. Motherhood, therefore, makes women more prone to depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and a certain degree of frustration.

    change your emotions

    At some point in motherhood, mothers begin to feel that they have lost their independence, their powers and even their physical attractiveness. It is also impossible to avoid the feeling of anguish and the fear that something bad will happen to your child.

    Another disturbing feeling is when thinking about the future in an uncertain way. If we are not working or do not have a partner to support creation, this represents a state of uncertainty, no doubt difficult to control.

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