My Son Eats Little, Should I Be Worried?

My son eats little, should I be worried?

From 2 years of age your child will grow a little slower and their food needs will be lower. Also, since he’s already started walking, he’ll probably be more interested in discovering the world of food.

When children are between 2 and 5 years old they are still at the stage where they are beginning to develop their eating habits, preferences and tastes in general. They are still slowly discovering which foods they prefer and don’t, so it’s possible that at some point they no longer feel like eating something they once ate without problems.

As all this age is a passing phase. While you should be mindful of your child’s development, you shouldn’t worry about every change that happens. The important thing is to make sure he eats well and maintains a stable, healthy weight. There will be times when he will be very hungry and will eat in large quantities, and others when he will have almost no appetite. These swings in appetite can last until puberty.

Pediatricians advise to respect these phases rather than trying to make the child eat by force. This will even help prevent overweight and obesity.

Many parents worry when their children are going through these phases where they eat too little. They feel bad when kids don’t want to eat, or when they start choosing food and saying things like “I don’t like this” or “I don’t want this”.

The best thing is to be patient and firm, as it is easy to give in to the whims and tantrums of children when they don’t want to eat. Patience, stability and consistency will be your allies in teaching them good habits like maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

child eating on their own

Is little eating normal at these ages?

Make mealtime a pleasant time and not a time of stress and anguish. For this you can apply the following strategies:

  • Explain to your child that to grow strong and healthy he needs to eat well and in a variety of ways.
  • It is advisable to establish a simple routine with a timetable and rules when it is time to sit down at the table. It is not necessary, however, that they are so strict.
  • It’s great that children sit at the table with their parents and siblings. As we always emphasize, that you and your partner are your main example.
  • Keep in mind that your child will eat when they feel hungry. This appetite will serve to supply your nutritional needs in a natural way.
  • Serve moderate amounts. It’s better for them to order more food than to leave food on their plate and then have to throw it away.

    girl with hand on face not wanting to eat vegetables

    From the age of 2, it is advisable for the child to try different foods. Naturally, she will like some and not others. Try to respect their tastes (within limits) and try to include foods from all food groups on the menu.

    At this age it is recommended to encourage her to eat on her own. It doesn’t matter if she makes a mess and gets dirty, she will gradually acquire skills to eat properly.

    It is important to prevent the child from arriving at dinner tired and sleepy, as these factors often interfere with appetite. Most children eat little when they are exhausted and sleepy, although they may also overeat if they are very tired.

    Will my child eat more? yes, little by little

    Many children start eating a lot more when they are about 5 to 7 years old because they have grown a little bit, as does their stomach.

    Experts explain that the amount of food a person needs varies greatly. That’s why some kids eat more than other kids of the same age and size.

    Parental expectations also vary widely. The ideal is not to pressure the child and be patient if he does not want to eat. She will eat when she is hungry.

    If she doesn’t want to eat, leave her without eating until the next meal. But do it calmly. You don’t need to suppress her or punish her because she simply didn’t eat, she will have the opportunity to eat at her next meal.

    You also don’t need to insist that your child eat a particular food. It’s better to encourage him to try it, or just put it on the table for him to pick up.

    There are also children who eat very slowly. And you don’t need to rush this process. Parents should decide how long the meal will last and explain it clearly to the child. When she’s done, calmly remove the plate and tell her she can go play.

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