Particularities Of Development Between 0 And 3 Years Old – I’m A Mom

Do you know how babies develop? In this article, see some peculiarities of development between 0 and 3 years.
Particularities of development between 0 and 3 years

The development between 0 and 3 years is full of important changes both physically and cognitively.

The human being arrives in the world without knowing it. However, from the first few months, he manages to capture the greatest particularities of the surrounding environment and the people he lives with.

Little by little, children acquire skills and learn to take care of themselves.

Development and learning in the first weeks of life

When a child is born, one of the first things he learns – not to mention the first – is how to suck milk from his mother’s breast.

What starts out as a survival instinct turns into the quick assimilation of a skill that will keep you alive.

At this stage, the movements that the baby performs with his arms and his fragile little legs are only reflexes.

However, he still can’t lift his head and barely has the strength to move it from side to side.

development between

He does not seek objects or strive to reach them. He just keeps his eyes fixed when we put them in front of him and holds them if we help.

He responds to stimuli related to his well-being: if he is cold, he cries; if it’s okay, keep quiet.

Sleep patterns are variable at this time. As much as one tries to teach the baby a sleep routine at this age, the task soon proves impossible. The child sleeps and wakes up, either day or night, according to his needs.

Despite staring at the adults’ faces, he is still unable to return an affectionate gesture.

In the first few weeks of life, nothing else matters to the little one but the mother’s breast and having its needs met.

Between the second month and the sixth month

From the second month onwards, the child is more attentive to everything that happens around him.

When they speak close to her, she is very quiet watching the eyes, mouth and every detail of the face of whoever is in front of her.

Thus, little by little, your motor movements stop being reflexes and start to be part of your response to certain stimuli. Especially stimuli that are related to affection.

In this way, Mom talks to him excitedly and he responds by waving his arms and legs with speed.

The relationship with the rest of humans is very different from the relationship with its parent.

Although he already recognizes who is who and feels more at ease with family members than when he is carried by strangers, he always shows a certain preference for being with his mother.

Even though his grappling skills are irregular, he  is able to hold a light object for a few seconds and take it to his chest and mouth to “get to know” it better.

Play with what you find around you picking up and dropping toys. This is possible due to the eye-hand coordination you have achieved.

Throughout this assimilation process, the baby discovers his hands and learns to know the rest of his body to better coordinate the movements he performs. He makes efforts when he wants something in particular and gets emotional when he is close to getting it.

In this phase of development between the second and sixth month, the hip and chest are stronger. Thus, it can now turn on its own to change position.

By imitating the beings he lives with, he learns to project different facial expressions and emit sounds in sequence, as if he were talking.

The little one smiles, even at strangers. All this to get the attention of others.

Babies between 7 months and the first year of life

development between

Between 7 months and the first year of life, magical changes take place. The baby can sit and crawl on its own.

In general, he changes his food from liquids to solids, learns to babble sounds – he can even say a few words – and is more attentive to the movement and behavior of human beings.

The game becomes the protagonist of his life. The child starts to forget and put everything aside, including food, for play.

He plays through repetition movements and develops a preference for moving his toys from side to side by dragging them over his legs.

At this stage of development between 7 months and the first year, babies like objects that move on the floor and objects that make sounds when manipulated.

The gripping action has become so “specialized” that, within their fine psychomotor skills, the child begins to use their ability to grip objects with their hands in the form of tweezers.

He also learns to clap, say goodbye and send kisses by putting his hand to his mouth.

If you have building blocks, you’ll even be able to put one on top of the other.

At this stage, the child hates to be ignored. Therefore, he does everything to keep his family’s attention.

She rejects what she doesn’t like by saying no with her head or pushing forward.

He begins to be interested in standing and leaning on the furniture in the house and, even before the first year of life, he can learn to take a few steps and walk.

Particularities of development between the first and third year

development between

After completing the first year of life, if the child has not learned so far, he will learn to walk alone and to run.

In the development phase between the first and third year, she is able to show what she likes and dislikes. That is, how you feel about a given situation.

Also, she becomes more independent. Learn to eat, dress and even shower alone. Even though it’s still always under Mommy’s supervision.

His games are reproductions of his life. Thus, the child becomes the parents of his dolls. She feeds them, takes them to the doctor when they get sick, and even scolds when they misbehave.

During this stage, the child becomes aware of the routines he has in his life.

So she knows she has to shower in the afternoon, go to bed at a certain time, etc. Furthermore, it reproduces the education you receive at home, whether good or deficient.

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