Return To Work After Maternity Leave

Going back to work after maternity leave is, without a doubt, a huge change. That’s why many women want that day never to come, while others wait anxiously for it. Going through this phase requires preparation, organization and optimism.
Return to work after maternity leave

Without a doubt, returning to work after maternity leave is one of the most harrowing moments for some mothers. Many do not want this moment to ever come, and when it does, they suffer a lot. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you how to overcome this situation in the best way possible.

To go back to work or not?

For some women, returning to work after becoming a mother is synonymous with regaining some freedom and independence. For others, however, it is a harrowing, stressful, and fearful situation.

It turns out that the arrival of children marks us, but in very different ways. As much as we love what we do and love the work we do, the truth is that when you become a mother, a woman’s mind and heart change.

Therefore, many question whether to return to work or not, or when to return to work. In some companies, once maternity leave has expired, a woman can apply for an extension of that leave without payment.

In other words, she does not work but also does not receive payment, or she works fewer hours, for example, part-time.

In addition, during the baby’s first year of life, the mother has the right, by law, to breastfeed during the workday or to leave early. With all of this in mind, some mothers wonder whether they want to go back to work after maternity leave or not.

The financial situation is a conditioning factor

Of course, everything is related to the particular situation of each one. Perhaps some women can stay at home and take care of their children while their husbands work, but there are also those who need to put money into the house anyway to support the family.

Whatever the decision, it is important to make it consciously and thinking about the future, not the immediate moment. Maybe quitting work isn’t a problem from a financial point of view, but a problem with feelings.

A woman who stays at home may experience depression, anguish, irritability, boredom, etc. All these feelings are “paid for” by the children, who receive their mother’s screams or anger.

The financial situation is a conditioning factor

On the other hand, it is also possible to feel guilty about leaving such a small baby in someone else’s care. Many women even see themselves as “bad moms” because of this.

However, when it is necessary to work and there is no other alternative, we should think that this is a way to demonstrate our unconditional love for our children. After all, this is the means of providing food, housing and everything they need.

Tips for working after maternity leave

If, for different reasons, you have to work after maternity leave, even if you want to go back to work, you need to know that this is no easy task. So, let’s give you some tips:

1. Mentalize

A few days before the date marked in red on the calendar, you should prepare. Not only in relation to who is going to keep the baby, but also in relation to emotional issues. You should be prepared to leave your child with someone else so that it doesn’t make you feel bad.

2. Change your sleep routine

Perhaps, since your child was born, you haven’t known what it’s like to sleep for eight hours straight. But now that you have to work after maternity leave, it ‘s very important that you get enough rest.

Going to bed earlier, setting a schedule of tasks, looking for times to rest – for example, when the baby is asleep – and getting up earlier than usual are habits that we should add to our routine.

change your sleep routine

3. Turn comeback into a party

If you are depressed or distressed because you need to go back to work, the best thing you can do is make this moment something worth celebrating : how about buying a new dress, shoes or bag to debut that day?

You can also “reward” yourself with something you really like, such as an ice cream, a piece of chocolate cake, or a pair of earrings. The idea is to make going back to work not a bad thing, but an opportunity to “give yourself”.

Finally, if in the middle of the workday, anguish takes over and you want to run out to see how your baby is doing, we recommend that you do something that distracts you, such as watching a video on the internet, listening to a song cheerful or chat a little with a colleague.

But, of course, when you get back home… enjoy every second with your child!

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