The Child Needs A Good Mood Too my

The child also needs a good mood

Any advice that might be helpful in educating children is welcome, as it is the most difficult stage in a parent’s life. Therefore, a touch of good humor in the child should never be too much. 

Extremes are always harmful. For example, if we are too strict or too complacent with our children, we can affect their development in many ways. Therefore, the most recommended is balance.

One of the greatest fears of parents is failing to educate their child. Therefore, they are as firm as possible, which gives them no opportunity to be fun, a touch of humor that wouldn’t be bad in this stressful task.

The benefits of a good mood

Humor is much more appreciated by society than it seems. Without good humor, life would be a little grayer, because there wouldn’t be freedom for the social, playful and kind being that lives inside us.

On the other hand, bad mood is an object of contempt, saddens and bothers many people who suffer from it and those around them.

A good mood, on the other hand, favors many aspects of our lives. It is reflected in the organism, in interpersonal relationships and in cognitive development, among other benefits.

Many experts consider a good mood as a key to improving our health and our social life. Being happy and transmitting this good energy favors us in the following:

  • Decreases stress
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Fosters group integration
  • Reduces blood pressure changes
  • Promotes the best out of many situations
  • Allows you to think more clearly
  • Facilitates decision making
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Laughter encourages exercise and calorie burning
  • Being happy promotes gratitude, enthusiasm and willingness.

    “Smile professionals make people learn to smile, breathe better, inhale better and be healthier” Mari Cruz García

    the good mood in the child

    If we know that a good mood can relax us to the point of influencing our health, is it possible that we are so happy that our children’s irregularities will no longer matter to us?

    No, because for every rule there is an exception, and when there is balance, things happen naturally. It is not necessary to go to the extreme to improve our lives, because everything has to happen one way or another.

    Our children will not be left unattended if we are happy  because they have the ability to make us come back to ourselves. Being fun with the kids is an element of family trust. Many conflicting moments can be resolved with a good mood, this also applies to the child who already has many difficult moments.

    However, the main thing is that there are limits to acting. For this reason, we can mention the conditions for including good humor in children’s education:

    1. Reserve a space for quiet. This period must be previously regulated so that the child knows that at some point of the day there will be a “happy hour”, when there will be space for fun and leisure.
    2. Keep the decision. We must promote our moment of good humor as if it were a prescription, because we have to recognize the benefits that can bring us by doing this activity. So, we must remain calm and be consistent in the moment of pleasure.
    3. Be tolerant. Some people do not respond well to jokes, perhaps as a result of the fear of weakening our attitude of power. But with children, it’s different because they don’t know how to measure the relationship levels. Therefore, parents must be tolerant of any excess. 
    4. Constancy and moderation. The good humor touch connects us with anyone, especially children, because they fail to see us as an authoritarian being they can’t trust.

    However, it is important to be moderate in games, jokes and fun moments, because when limits are crossed, it can become disrespectful and this distances a lot from what you want to win.

    The fact that children can see in us someone they can make to laugh and who is at the same time capable of promoting fun is a reason for the coexistence to improve. Not being excessive in everyday life helps the child, releases us from tension and unites the family much more. 

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