The Most Powerful Thing You Can Say To Another Mother

Denise Stirk has written a really moving statement. She recounts her personal experience with a very sensitive question “What to say to a mother who has lost a child?”
The most powerful thing you can say to another mom

Stirk presents a series of meaningful situations to ponder. Thus, it will be possible to discover the most powerful thing that can be said to another mother.

Below, we’ll share some insights from Denise’s testimony that moved the world.

This courageous, understanding and supportive mother, who managed to overcome a whirlwind of emotions, left a valuable testimony in which she expresses her sentimental agitation with sincere and delicate words.

How to deal with another mother’s pain?

The reflective and introspective protagonist of the story tells a tragic event. A friend of yours lost a 21-month-old daughter quite unexpectedly.

Certainly, an irremediable pain and suffering for those who have experienced motherhood.

another mother

She decides to travel to accompany her friend in this difficult time. So, several questions arise regarding the encounter with the helpless mother.

How to find the right words to comfort her? How to avoid saying the wrong things?

In her search for perfect words, she realized that she couldn’t really relate to the pain.

After all, with two healthy children at home, I felt I couldn’t say anything without having experienced this situation.

However, armed with Bible verses and a few catchphrases, she did her best to comfort her friend.

And then she found a million unexpected words, extremely powerful and life-changing.

However, it was that mother who, in her grief, said something that touched her in the depths of her heart. Perhaps it was the simplest sentence I could say.

While her friend described everything that happened with her daughter as her worst nightmare, she told her heartbroken and with tears on her face: “You’re a mother too.”

That simple phrase took her breath away and showed the enormity of her loss and the level of her pain.

The secret to dealing with another mother’s pain lay in her simplest and most significant bond: motherhood.

Because, while not all of them experience the pain of losing a child, they can share the joy of having it.

understand the other mother

That was the starting point that helped Denise understand the hell that mother was going through.

Certainly, losing a child is every mother’s fear. The simplicity and power of this great truth made her connect with other mothers.

In this situation, it doesn’t matter how each one chooses the way to educate and raise their children. There is something in common: hearts directly connected with children.

This fact also helped her connect with her own mother, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

In the waiting room for treatment, Denise watched the mother of a three-year-old boy. He glowed, proud in his colorful Superman cape and hospital mask.

The mother, cradling him in her arms, whispered something. Denise felt her blood freeze, her heart stop. She suffered for this other mother.

With a sea of ​​tears falling from her eyes, she remembered her friend’s phrase: “You’re a mother too.”

Another situation that quickly came to mind was when a restaurant employee struggled to find a babysitter.

Denise noticed that this woman felt anxious and irritated. It was another blow to the heart in this unusual but impactful chain of events.

Finally, she watched fondly as a mother traveled standing for four and a half hours. This mother looked at her watch impatiently and kissed her baby’s bald head. Everything to comfort and prevent the child from crying.

Denise saw her exhausted and frustrated, and understood her simply because she’s a mother too.

“You are a mother too”: the most powerful phrase for another mother

another mother

Motherhood is a bond that unites all mothers. Mothers who do everything, rich or poor, with sick or healthy children. Those who breastfeed or give formula milk.

In short, all united by the same feeling: an unconditional love that paralyzes the heart.

And this last truth can hurt. That’s why sentimental commercials make mothers burst into tears easily.

That’s why these mothers cry after leaving their children on the first day of school. That’s why every disease, no matter how small, is frightening.

It is for this reason that hearts ache from perinatal problems or infertility.

That’s why the idea of ​​a child leaving the nest makes mothers so anxious. It is for this very reason that the death of another mother’s child can be devastating.

So, naturally, a mother feels the need to reassure other mothers who are facing a difficult time.

The most important thing, therefore, is simply to embrace them instead of struggling to find suitable or correct words.

Because, without a doubt, the most powerful thing you can say to another mother is, “I understand, I’m a mother too.”

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